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Start Your Business Blog Off Right – The Very Best Salon Blog Topics

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Start Your Business Blog Off Right – The Very Best Salon Blog Topics

So after the phenomenal response to our recent article ‘7 Reasons Why You Should Kickstart Your Very Own Salon Blog’ we realised that this is an important subject for you guys.

Starting a blog is by no means an easy task. However, the rewards can be amazing if you stay committed.

One of the questions we were sent by a number of readers concerned salon blog topics you could write about. We thought that this would make a pretty good follow up to the kick-starter post.

Without further ado, here are some great salon blog topic ideas that will help get your future business blog off the ground!

Top Salon Blog Topics

Client Questions: Before you jump right in and begin to write about all the topics that interest you, why not make a list of the questions that your clients consistently ask? I’m sure that you get a few recurring questions every week. This would be a great way to start off your salon blog as you could direct clients to the corresponding article. This could, potentially, be the beginning of an entertaining, engaging and informative salon blog series.


Product Reviews: A superb salon blog topic would be product reviews. Keep your clients informed about the latest items you have in your salon whilst also giving them a little background on what the benefits are. Make sure that you are not too ‘salesy’ with this one though. Write it more as a friend telling another friend rather than a business pitching to a client.


Style Tips & Popular Trends:  Is there anything your clients can do at home that might help their skin, nails, hair, etc? This could be a very valuable salon blog topic and something that could help your clients maintain your service until they come back through your doors.

Alternatively, you could write about some of the more popular trends of the season. For instance, the Oscars are always on around February. How about writing a couple of salon blog topics around the style of some of the year’s best actresses? Or maybe even some style ideas for weddings?


News & Updates: Have you any classes or events coming up in the near future? Well, this is the perfect space for posting all your news. It’s also a great chance to post some updates regarding anything new or special that is happening in and around your business over the next couple of months.


These salon blog topics should really help start your blog off on the right foot but don’t leave it until tomorrow… How about you open up a word document right now and just try one out?

Oh, and let me know how you get on! 🙂

Connor Keppel is Phorest Salon Software’s marketing manager. If you have a question for Connor, email him right here  –

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James Rian
James Rian
May 12, 2020 8:02 am

Thanks for sharing these great Blog Ideas. Though I have tried the rest of the categories but never wrote something on news and updates. Will give it a try and see the results.

Kelly Peterson
Kelly Peterson
August 6, 2020 9:47 am

Thanks! for sharing all the suggestions. It’s been really unique and interesting for me…

James Rian
James Rian
October 11, 2020 11:43 am

Great to see a post on promoting this business field!
Keep posting this type of content

clara antony
clara antony
February 10, 2021 7:24 am

Hi, Great ideas and I haven’t tried news and updates. i will try that one and let us see what will be the results.

February 18, 2021 10:48 am

Thanks for sharing valuable information.

Eliza Smith
Eliza Smith
February 23, 2021 12:40 pm

Mr. Connor, Thanks for sharing this great blog ideas. Nice Blog.

Eliza Smith
Eliza Smith
February 26, 2021 12:39 pm

Thanks for sharing these important suggestions with us!!

February 1, 2022 2:26 am

Having a salon blog and a software is really an essential to your business. Thank you for sharing.

February 9, 2022 12:20 pm

Yes, the best thing to share in a blog is tips. It is like educational things for people that are interested in this niche. Thank you.

Cucumba hair and beauty salon Thodupuzha
Cucumba hair and beauty salon Thodupuzha
May 17, 2023 12:05 pm

Very nice article .Thanks for sharing this great post.

Salon Suites
Salon Suites
June 21, 2023 12:18 pm

I am happy to read this again. Thanks a lot!

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