Welcome to the Salon Owner’s Podcast, Phorest FM Episode 77. Co-hosted by Killian Vigna and Zoé Bélisle-Springer, Phorest FM is a weekly show that puts forth a mix of interviews with industry thought-leaders, salon/spa marketing tips, company insights and information on attending Phorest Academy webinars. Phorest FM is produced every Monday morning for your enjoyment with a cup of coffee on your day off.
Phorest FM Episode 77
If you looked into it deep enough, any business could come up with hundreds of performance indicators. How do you narrow them down to the certain few that positively impact your salon’s financial health? What makes a good KPI versus one that just takes up space and doesn’t require as much focus? On this week’s episode, Killian & Zoé are joined by salon owner and Founder of PIP University, Heather Yurko to discuss how to determine the heath of a salon or spa business, KPIs and how to get staff onboard with the vision.
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Killian Vigna: Welcome to the Phorest FM podcast, episode 77. I’m Killian Vigna.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: And I’m Zoe Belisle-Springer! This week’s episode focuses on KPIs and how they can help determine the health of your salon business. Joining us on the show to discuss, this is Heather Yurko, of Neatbeat, in Kentucky. Heather will highlight things you should be looking at within your business so that you can identify patterns, and trends, and effectively know how to turn them into positive results. As always, we top off the show with our upcoming Phorest Academy webinars.
Killian Vigna: So, grab yourself a cup of coffee, sit back, relax, and join us weekly for all your salon’s business and marketing needs. Good Morning Zoe!
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Good morning Killian.
Killian Vigna: How are things now?
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Pretty good, pretty good. Excited for this episode and yeah, it’s a sunny day out. Can’t complain.
Killian Vigna: Sunny… ah our summer’s just ended. It just started raining today and we have a staff relay so, perfect timing. But, yeah, oh, definitely looking forward to this episode because it’s actually six months ago since we did… not only did we do our first live episode which took place the day after the Salon Owners Summit, and it was in the head office here, but the idea of that episode was to, I suppose give some insights around reviewing your salon’s business strategy from reports to results, so it was kind of how you reviewed the past year, and I suppose plan and strategise for the year coming forward, and that brings us six months later now to this episode.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Yeah, absolutely. I mean at the time we had Jennie Lawson from Mimosa Beauty, we had Paul Davey from Davey Davey and Hairdressing Live, and we also had Sean O’Sullivan from Phorest who is actually going to Australia to start build Phorest over there. So this week, six months down the line, like you said, it’s the perfect time to welcome Heather Yurko of Neatbeat in Kentucky, and so that we could share her knowledge on the most beneficial KPIs to look at, so, welcome to the show Heather.
Killian Vigna: Good morning Heather.
Heather Yurko: Hi, thank you so much for having me!
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Oh, it’s absolutely a pleasure.
Killian Vigna: I just love the enthusiasm of your voice already. It’s just a great way to start up the show, so, Heather, you’ve had a… Sorry, not a busy week, what is it you call it? A productive week yourself, isn’t it?
Heather Yurko: Yes, I try to stay away from the word busy because when people say, “How are you?” Obviously, I think everyone’s first initial reaction is to say that you’re busy, and I’m always like, “Well, who isn’t busy these days?” and I just try to say, “I’ve been quite productive.”
Killian Vigna: Getting stuff done.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: I like that. Do you mind if I steal that?
Heather Yurko: Take it!
Killian Vigna: Cool, so, Heather obviously you were talking to our guys over at the Data Driven Salon Summit this week, for anyone that isn’t aware of who you are, do you wanna give a bit of an introduction about yourself and your salon as well?
Heather Yurko: Yes, I would love to. So I have a salon in America, in Louisville, Kentucky, the name is Neatbeat, and everybody always asks, “Where did you get that name from?” And, I’m super passionate about music, so it’s a little bit of a play off music, so Neatbeat because we serve pretty neat hair while we’re listening to our favorite beats. It’s kinda like a tagline for it, so we started in… at the end of 2013, so in October we will celebrate five years. Our salon is… We started in a 200 square foot room, just me, and myself and my team have built this thing from the ground up, and now we are 5,000 square feet. We have about 27 girls on our team and it’s just been a really, really, really cool ride and I have some awesome people around me to help educate me on what makes for a really healthy business, a really healthy salon business.
And then, I have another company called PIP University, so PIP stands for Positively Impacting People. It is the calling of my life! And PIP university is basically just an educational platform for salon owners and hairstylists because I have a huge goal, a huge goal. By the time that I leave this earth, this industry will look completely different, come hell or high water, I dream of an industry where we are greatly respected just as doctors and attorneys, and that starts with us respecting ourselves first, and also being very educated on how to build healthy businesses.
Killian Vigna: I have to say, you’re energy there is contagious; even right from the get go when you said the name of your salon Neatbeat, for some reason my head just started popping as listening to music.
Heather Yurko: Oh, love it.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: I’m actually curious kind of like off topic, but what’s your favorite band or musician, or anyone?
Heather Yurko: Oh my goodness, that is a, oh, that’s a very multifaceted question. I love, so I grew up on Stevie Nicks.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Oh, right!
Killian Vigna: Oh, brilliant… listened to a lot Stevie Nicks lately.
Heather Yurko: Oh goodness. I love her, but then I’m very, I really like hip hop, but then I do like some country. I can get down with some Dave Matthews Band.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Oh, I can definitely get down with that, yeah.
Heather Yurko: Yeah, so I really like a lot of different types of music which is, so in our salon, our shampoo area is called The Love Shack, that’s [inaudible 00:05:37] That’s where we [inaudible 00:05:38] our guests, and then our bathrooms are, we refer to them as Jack and Diane or Jack or Diane because Jack or, a Diane can go in there and we have quotes of, one bathroom it says, “Two American kids growing up in the heartland.” So, it is very, very branded around music. We pay attention to all those little details.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: That’s amazing, I love it.
Killian Vigna: Obviously, a big yeah, a big part of your life, so just to kinda get into the show then, talking about the whole KPIs and stuff like that, you’re here to discuss how KPIs determine the health of your salon, but what exactly do you mean by determining the health of your business?
Heather Yurko: Oh, so I love this question. When we look at our salons, we, there’s several factors that go into giving us clues to our businesses being healthy. So there are several, but I chose two, and the first one is, when we have healthy businesses that says that our guests are receiving wonderful experiences, and they’re getting really great customer service. So there are certain KPIs that tell us how well our team is performing as it relates to our guests when they come in. Are they getting something that they didn’t know that they were getting? I know that you guys have a pretty good relationship with David Barnett. I know that he’s been on the Phorest podcast before-
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Mm-hmm(affirmative)
Heather Yurko: Him and his wife Nicole, they were our business coaches. We started with them in September and we finished up with them in February, and that is actually something that Nicole taught us, is great customer service is when a guest walks in, and we end up giving them things that they weren’t already booked for and there are KPIs that tell us if we’re doing that, and then the second thing that kind of tells us about the health of our business is that, our artists are really showing up as the experts that they should be for our guests that deserve it, so there are plenty of salons all across the world that our guests can choose.
We have to ask ourselves what makes them choose us, and then when they come to the salon, are we executing certain behaviors that will keep them coming back? So there is a lot that numbers can tell us from the way that our team behaves in the salon and the way that our guests feel when they’re in our salon. There’s numbers that speak to that.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Absolutely. I love the allusion you said to, what are we doing different? I remember David on the show once was mentioning that one of client went to Japan once, and she got her glasses like cleaned up and that’s the one thing that she came back saying to him, and she was like, “They cleaned my glasses. They’ve never been so clean!” It’s amazing the little things that you can do that can actually have a massive impact on your numbers.
Heather Yurko: Yes, I totally agree. Success is in the details. It’s those little bitty things that if we pay attention to, it can make a world of a difference.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: So, for someone new to the world of KPIs, what exactly are they like? How do you go about them? How do they help?
Heather Yurko: So, I basically, when we look at… Because there are several key performance indicators, several benchmarks that a salon can look at. We have narrowed them down because we want to understand them as salon leadership. So salon owners and managers, it’s one thing for us to be going through our reports and our KPIs, It’s another thing for us to train our teams to be able to do it. Within our salon, yes, management and leaders, of course we’re always in the numbers, but so are our teams, and the smaller those are like the few that you track to narrow them down, the easier it is for your team to get on board and know exactly where they’re at, so I’m just gonna share with you guys the four.
Two years ago we studied nine different KPIs. Last year we studied seven and I was like, “How can I get my team more on board to where they can look at these KPIs, and then if they’re low, they would know the behaviours that need to be shifted or changed to make those KPIs higher?” So, we look at the guest count per month, so how many guests are actually coming into the salon or how many guests are sitting in their chairs per month, per quarter? I mean you can do this per day, but that’s one of the ones that we use, and then we look up your service per service ticket, so that’s essentially the average money that a guest is spending per service they get in your chair, or in your salon as a whole. So you essentially just take up your service sales and divide those by the amount of guests and that gives you the average amount that a guest is spending in services.
Then we do the same thing for retail, so how much retail an artist sells or how much retail a salon sells divided by the amount of guests coming in, and then the last one that we study is pre-booking. So we’ve essentially taken those four, and that is what we really use to determine the health of our business, and so I have been on the phone with Phorest several times talking about the reporting and everything like that and it’s so great because you guys always have tons of questions, and I’ve been asked before, “So what about utilisation?” because you can obviously see that utilisation isn’t in those four, and when you look at that, utilisation can be skewed a little bit, right? Because, if let’s say you have one artist behind the chair, and they are at 93 percent utilisation or productivity.
But, then you look at their guest count per month, and they’re seeing 35 guests per month, then you know that they’re spending a lot of time per guest, and some of that time can really be wasted, so for us, we actually don’t pay attention to utilisation at all. We’re looking at the guest count. Now, on the flip side to that, this is not about getting a lot of guests in and getting a lot of guests out, so let’s say if somebody was at a high utilisation, and they were at a low guest count per month, but the average that those guests were spending was 400 dollars a service ticket, now that’s a different story. You know that you’re spending longer, but the guest is actually getting several different experiences or upgrades within that time, so then it kind of evens it out. Does that make sense?
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Absolutely, so you kind of have to look at the… a bit altogether, but what you’re showing to the team is the guest per month KPI? Is that correct?
Heather Yurko: Exactly, and then I heard, especially at the Data Driven Event this weekend, I heard a lot about retention, and retention is something that we have always looked at. In fact, I thought that it was the most important KPI for a long time because obviously that’s your guests keep coming in. Well, if you have a high pre-booking, let’s say if you’re… if a salon as a whole or an artist as a whole, if you’re pre-booking is 78 percent, 80 percent, really, you don’t need to be paying attention to retention because if you’re pre-booking is that high, the retention is there. They’re retained, so now we don’t really pay attention to retention anymore, but if pre-booking starts to go down a little bit, that’s when we get into retention and we see, is it new guests? Is it existing guests? And then we reevaluate our systems to ensure that pre-booking gets higher because when that’s high, it kind of negates retention.
Killian Vigna: Yeah, well the pre-booking catches some there and then rather than hoping that they’ll come back, you’ve nearly locked them in so you know your retention is gonna follow through from that. It’s gonna be like an end result.
Heather Yurko: Exactly, so if we just focus in our salons on systems and behaviours that get those guests pre-booked, it’s just a whole other KPI, you don’t even have to look at if you just hone in on pre-booking. So for us, every guest that sits down in the chair, in the consultation our artists speak about the next time that they’re gonna need to see the guests back in the salon based on what they want their hair to look like, and we pre-book out every guest three appointments or more, and so, there’s a script that we use for this, and all of our pre-booking happens in the chair. By the time we walk the guest up and we got rid of our front desk last year – we have like mobile stations every time a guest is getting checked out – all of their future reservations are already made, so we just close the sale with retail and the guest is on their way and that ensures to us that pre-booking is taken care of because, when the cape comes off at the end of the experience, the guest is onto their next thing. They’re picking up the kids, they’re going to the grocery store, so we want to make sure that we seal the deal with pre-booking when the guest is sitting down still. That way we consider them retained.
Killian Vigna: So, sorry Heather, you said that, not only are you, I suppose pre-booking or re-booking them for their next appointment. Did you say you’re re-booking them for their next three appointments?
Heather Yurko: A hundred percent yes, and we have-
Killian Vigna: Their next three? How do you get them to commit to that?
Heather Yurko: Oh, this is such a good question, and one that I’m excited for salon owners to hear because I feel like this is such a secret in our sauce. All of it has to do with scripting. For salon owners and leaders, we can look at our pre-booking, and we can see that it’s low. I travel the country, and every other weekend I’m in other salons, hundreds of salons, and I go in and I always ask, “I need to see all of your numbers. I wanna see your pre-booking, your service per service ticket.” all that. A lot of salons as a whole, if you just ask them, “What do you think your pre-booking is?” Many of them will be like, “Oh, I guarantee it’s at least 70 percent.”
Almost every time I look at their pre-booking numbers, they’re almost always in the thirties or forties, and so then that says behaviours, that shows us behaviours of our artists behind the chair. It all comes down to scripting because we can’t just look at our team and be like, “We need to pre-book. We need to pre-book.” Especially if they don’t know how to have that conversation to get the guest to say yes, especially to three appointments, so we kind of do something like this. The guest… The artist is standing there with a guest, talking to them, they go through the technical consultation – whether it’s cutting or colouring – and then the artists says something essentially like this, “So based on what we’ve talked about today with your hair, and to keep your colour looking the way that you want it to, and to keep your hair cut fresh to where it’s not getting on your nerves, I’m gonna need to see you back in here in about five weeks. Now, is there better days and times that work best with your schedule?”
The guest will say something like, “Yeah, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:30 or after.” We write that down and then we say this, “Okay, that sounds wonderful. Today, before you leave, we’re gonna go ahead and get you your next few reservations set up. This way you don’t have to worry about calling. Everything is set up for you and it’s really convenient with your schedule and works best. I’ll have Kiara from our Guest Happiness Team, get those set up for you. Now, tell me what works best with your home care maintenance?”
Then we go straight into retail. So, our front desk, we call our Guest Happiness Team, they come in and they pick this little piece of paper up, and they can see that the artists wrote down this guest what works best with her schedule is Tuesdays and Thursdays after 5:30. The Guest Happiness Team goes, checks the artist’s schedule, gets those three appointments booked to where they’re already on a business card and we don’t ask the guest, “Do you want to pre-book?” We say, “We’re gonna go ahead and get your next few reservations so it’s easy for you”, and we don’t make it about the artist. Sometimes you hear things like, “My book is getting really full.” That makes it all about them instead of making it easier and centering around the guest’s life. Are there some guests that say no? For sure, but many guests say yes, and when that happens, salon wide, guests will start to realise you’re not gonna get in unless you pre-book your next three appointments.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Yeah, at that stage you don’t even have to say my book is getting full, you know that their book is gonna get full anyways.
Heather Yurko: Yeah, you’re exactly right. So that really helps us a lot.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: And, I suppose that at the same time like it’s better to have those appointments booked in, and if anything comes up in your calendar, it’s so far in advance that you could ring up anytime and just say, “Hey, I know we booked on this date, but I have some sort of event or whatever. Is there any possibility to move it around?”
Heather Yurko: Exactly, yep.
Killian Vigna: Yeah, because it’s so far in advance. You don’t feel bad for going, “Oh no, I’m only giving them a few days notice.” You give them loads of notice, so it benefits both people.
Heather Yurko: Yeah.
Killian Vigna: So, on those re-bookingss, would you, I suppose, is it more focused on just getting them re-booked back in for a time of the day that suits them? Or, would they usually be re-booked back in with the same stylist?
Heather Yurko: Yes, we definitely try to book them in with their original artists, and that’s what helps those artists get their books full, because when I go in, I mean guys, there are so many salons that I go in, and I always start off and ask the team and the salon owner, “Is pre-booking important?” and they say, “Yeah.” and I say, “Why is it important?” And they’re like, “Well, because that’s our future book.” I’m like, “Exactly.”
It’s important for many reasons, but if we really wanna get our artists’ buy-in, we have to say things that pertain to them, and what’s gonna help them be more successful. We come in with the KPIs, and we try to tie it to a goal like, “Do you wanna get a new car? Do you wanna finish your basement? Do you wanna move out of your mom’s house? Do wanna buy a new house?” Whatever it is, we have to focus on pre-booking, that way when you come in for a day, you don’t just have two guests a day. Your book is totally full because you did the work 12 weeks ago to get this book full, and then you don’t have stress wondering what your pay check is gonna be like, because you were disciplined in these behaviours and what that does is it gives a great result to important KPIs that are gonna help our artists be more successful behind the chair.
Killian Vigna: Well that’s… even that last KPI with the pre-booking, it’s brilliant. It works so well with the script. Like it’s genius. What I kind of wanna to ask you is how did you get to this KPI? Because obviously when you’re setting up any business, salon as well, there’s hundreds of KPIs out there, and it can be easy to get distracted by so many different ones, and kind of, I suppose spread your focus thin, so you said by two years ago it went from nine to seven, down to seven and then to four. How did you get to the KPIs that you have today?
Heather Yurko: Oh, that’s a great question too. So you know, I love to say this. I am not that smart. I’ve got some intelligence in certain areas, and then in other areas there just isn’t a lot going on up there, so I surround myself with really, really smart people, and other smart salon owners. Many of us use Phorest. We share our reports, and I’m on the phone with a lot of them pretty consistently. One is one of my very good friends in the industry, Ashley Tolliver Williams and she owns a salon in Houston, Texas, called Fringe Salon and Color Bar. She’s also in the Phorest community and, me and her spoke about this last year, and how she was gonna re-route some of her benchmarks to narrow them down, condense them so it would be easier for us, and easier for our teams to jump on board and know their numbers.
And so, a lot of this stuff, I didn’t just know it, but I really make sure that I surround myself with people that are a lot smarter than me, and I’m constantly learning, and there is just, and I just do not see competition. I really don’t. I am so inspired by people that are smarter than me, and teams that perform at a really high level, and it gives me this inspiration of, if they can do it no matter where they’re at, I believe that myself and my team in Louisville, Kentucky can do it too. And so, the long answer to that question is, I surround myself with really smart people and that’s essentially how we came down to these four benchmarks. These four KPIs and narrowing them down has made all of the difference in my team being laser focused.
Killian Vigna: It just goes to prove the age old thing of, you never want to be the smartest person in the room.
Heather Yurko: Ever, yes. I never want to be the smartest one. I thoroughly enjoy being around people that are a lot smarter than me because then it’s like all I do is just collect data and information to make myself better, make my team better and ultimately serve our guests better.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: So, for someone who doesn’t really feel confident in identifying or monitoring KPIs, whether it’d be the salon owner or the manager, how do you bridge this? How do you bridge the knowledge gap? Like, what’s the first step? Do you go to another salon owner and chat to them about it or?
Heather Yurko: Yes. I love that you guys put this question in here. Yes, well, first as a shameless plug, but not really because it’s just so suitable for every salon owner is, for PIP University, my other company, the education company for Salon owners, we have a Facebook group, and it’s called PIP, and then the letter U, so PIP U Salon Owners. There are so many smart people in there, and all we do is share with each other. We share anything and everything, and how you can really just become smarter is just educating yourself and being around other salon owners and even like this podcast, listening to stuff like this.
Every morning when I’m doing my makeup and I’m getting ready for work, I put on some form of personal development, whether it’s the… I’ve listened to so many of your Phorest podcasts. There’s another podcast that I listened to, Beyond the Technique, and that’s for Salon Owners and EntreLeadership, just educating yourself. The more you educate yourself on, let’s just say it’s 30 minutes a day. Over time, your business will become so much better, and you will start to be really comfortable in the pursuit of creating a sustainable business for yourself, and for your team. There are so many salon owners – this is where I get super passionate guys so hold your horses.
There are so many salon owners and it breaks my heart, because they live in a state of anxiety, and fear, and worry, because their salons are not profitable, because they’re barely hanging on, and it doesn’t have to be that way. It really doesn’t. It takes you educating yourself, walking through a hell of ton of fear and doing what’s courageous and brave, and when you can do that and education and service is in the middle, I really do believe that you can be a force that’s unstoppable, so, this is what it comes down to. Surrounding yourself with people that are smarter than you, and educating yourself, and being of service, and when you do that, that is a recipe for a miracle to happen.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: I mean, even if it’s just 30 minutes a day, like you said, it’s 30 minutes extra that you have on anybody else who isn’t doing it.
Heather Yurko: Yeah. You’re exactly right, and what it also does, especially if you’re down or you’re worried about something, it is crazy when you start to educate yourself, there is this fire that starts to come, it rises up a little bit, and then you start getting inspired, and motivated, and then you start trying new things out, or let’s say, if you guys drop names every so often, like we’ve mentioned, David Barnett, Ashley Tolliver Williams, you’ll start looking these other people up, and then you’ll start learning from them, and then before you know it, three years down the road, you have a completely different company, so, all of that’s good and it all centers around educating yourself so you can figure out how to make your business as healthy as possible.
Killian Vigna: Yeah, you don’t just have to learn from your own mistakes anymore. Learn from other people’s mistakes. If they’ve-
Heather Yurko: Yes.
Killian Vigna: If they’ve had a mistake, made a mistake that they’ve corrected and publicized it, use it, and like the 30 minutes, that’s usually a 30 minute walk to work or a 30 minute bus ride and, with so much technology out there you don’t have to rely on sitting down, and reading a book. You’ve got Audible, you’ve got Kindles, you’ve got podcasts, everything out there. Thirty minutes, you give it about two to three days, you’ve finished the book and you don’t even know it.
Heather Yurko: Yeah, it’s a great point.
Killian Vigna: Well, I mean Heather, I was gonna ask you for some closing remarks there to kind of wrap up the show, but you’re a bit there where you said you’re gonna get really into the passionate stage. I think that was just a really good summary for what everything you’ve talked about here anyway, so I suppose, do you have any remarks to top that off?
Zoe Belisle-Springer: I actually have a question for you, even… If someone wanted to take part in that Facebook group, is that something, like we’ll definitely link in the episode notes, but like how does that work? Is it solely a Facebook group or is it, sometimes do you meet up? How does that work? How does PIP work?
Heather Yurko: Right now, it’s just a resource for a Facebook group. It’s obviously free and you just type it in your Facebook search engine. We ask three questions before you can get in the Facebook group, and if you do not answer all three questions, you are not accepted into the Facebook group. We’re really picky on who we allow into the Facebook group because we want it to be a group of insane value; so anybody can join, you just have to answer all three of those questions, and join with really great intentions on giving value, yourself, or soaking up all the information that the group has to offer.
Killian Vigna: Yeah, because it’s like those Facebook groups you see where you’ve got thousands of members, but it’s the same two or three people posting the whole time and, eventually you’re just like, I suppose leechers nearly see, so you want to keep everyone contributing.
Heather Yurko: Yes, and that… our group is a great group to do that in. Several different people post and several different people answer.
Killian Vigna: So Heather, any final words from yourself?
Heather Yurko: Yes, I just wanna share with everyone, especially if you are a salon owner or manager, and you know what, even if you’re not. Even if you are an artist behind the chair, and you want to be a leader, then you can take responsibility for this yourself. This is definitely about building healthy businesses and profitable salons, but even more importantly for that, it is about building sustainable careers for our humans on our teams and it is our direct responsibility that we do that for them. That we lead them to where they wanna be. People come to work in our salons because they believe that we can get them to a place that they can’t get there themselves. They will not know this stuff on their own, they don’t know these KPIs, they don’t know about pre-booking, they don’t know about scripts.
It is the leader, whether you are a salon owner, manager, or even an artist behind the chair. It is a leader’s responsibility to get educated, and then to share that education with their people, and to discipline a culture that executes behaviours so they can be extremely successful in their lives, to where money, they’re not held back by money and they’re able to really create the life that they want. That is our responsibility, so although this was all about KPIs and a healthy business, it definitely will do that, but from the leaders if it comes from a place of, we want to serve our humans and get them to where they wanna be, it is a full circle and we will naturally reap rewards from that, so that’s what I’ll end with.
Killian Vigna: Heather, you couldn’t have said it any better. If there was anyone listening to this show at the start of it and said Positively Impacting People, what does that mean? How does Heather do that? I think, listen to this show, and you will know exactly what it means. That has been fantastic Heather.
Heather Yurko: Oh, thank you so much guys. Thank you so much for this opportunity.
Killian Vigna: No problem. So that was Heather Yurko of Neatbeat in Kentucky, and now the second half of the show.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Yes, as usual, the Phorest Academy webinars. Don’t you love that section? And so-
Killian Vigna: The Zoey section.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Yes, the Zoey section, Zoey.
Killian Vigna: Zoey? Zoey?
Zoe Belisle-Springer: No, okay, let’s be real here. We have the first edition of this one. It’s the Phorest Academy Salon Work/Life Balance Masterclass and that’s led by Chris Brennan. It’s on Monday, June 18th from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM UK, Ireland time, 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM U.S. Eastern time, and what he’ll be going through, is essentially like identifying the causes of the imbalance, reframing work in your salon without losing a step, finding space and time for home and personal life, and maintaining this balance. Tips and tricks on how to do that, and I mean he knows well what he’s talking about with a kid and working with Phorest and doing seminars and talks and this and that, so it should be really, really interesting looking forward for that.
If you want to save your spot for this webinar, so all you have to do is go onto our Facebook page in the events section, find this event, Phorest Academy, The Salon Work/Life Balance Masterclass, click on get tickets. It’s free as usual, all you have to do is fill in your details. You get a link in your emails to join in on the day.
So, that’s it for us today. If you have any feedback, feel free to leave us a review on iTunes or on Stitcher. We’re always looking for suggestions on how to improve the show. Otherwise, have a wonderful week and we’ll catch you next Monday.
Killian Vigna: All the best!
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