
5 mins

Revenue Calculator

What results can Phorest generate for your business?

Take this revenue health check to calculate the potential revenue boost for your salon, spa or clinic by using Phorest.

Step 1 Business

Step 2 Revenue

Step 3 Time

Step 4 Marketing

Step 5 Activity

Revenue Calculator

First, tell us a little bit about your business

Next, tell us a little bit about your current revenue levels
Not sure what these numbers are for your salon? Check to autofill with average numbers for salons of your size, type and region

Time is money!
How many hours you currently spend on the following activities each week?

Next, we’d like to know a little about your marketing.

Finally, select all of these revenue driving activities that you are already doing.

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Enter a value above Zero (0)

Enter a value above Zero (0)

Enter a value above Zero (0)

Enter a value above Zero (0)

Enter a value above Zero (0)

Enter a value above Zero (0)

Enter a value above Zero (0)

Enter a value above Zero (0)

Enter a value above Zero (0)

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Enter a value above Zero (0)

Switching to Phorest is easy because we are here to help in any way


Easy Migration

All our plans include tailored system set up for your salon or clinic. We’ll import your clients, staff, services, products and more for you. Our migration specialists have years of experience in safely migrating client record information from most other salon or clinic software.


Free Training for Life

We’ll set you and your team up with comprehensive onboarding training; and you can book additional online training sessions with us for as long as you like. New staff starting in the future? No problem, we’ll get them trained up too at no extra cost.


Top Class Support Team

Our friendly support team is on call or chat, and they’re renowned for going above and beyond to answer your questions, big or small, as quickly as they can. ‘Seirbhís go hiontach’ (excellence in service) is a driving mantra here at Phorest.

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