Welcome to the Salon Owner’s Podcast, Phorest FM Episode 49. Co-hosted by Killian Vigna and Zoé Bélisle-Springer, this show is a mix of interviews with industry thought-leaders, roundups of our most recent salon owners marketing tips & tricks, all the latest in and around Phorest and what upcoming webinars you can join. Phorest FM is produced every Monday morning for your enjoyment with a cup of coffee on your day off.
Phorest FM Episode 49
The Phorest FM monthly round-ups are perfect for anyone who finds themselves looking for extra hours at the end of each day. In a nutshell, they are condensed episodes during which Killian and Zoe look back at everything that’s happened in the past few weeks. This month, that means discussing the most popular blogs of October, announcing the latest social media competition powered by Phorest Salon Software and The Phorest Blog and finally, the upcoming Phorest Academy Webinars. If you think you’ve missed out on content in the last four weeks, this 30-odd minute episode will put you right back on track.
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Killian Vigna: Welcome to the Phorest FM podcast, episode 49. I’m Killian Vigna.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: And I’m Zoe Belisle-Springer.
Killian Vigna: This week’s episode is our monthly round-up of the most popular posts in October from the Phorest Salon Software blog and a competition special.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: So we’ll share our executive special blog ‘If We Had to Run Salon or Spas of Today, We Would…’ We’ll summarize ‘There Are No Shortcuts to Building a Successful Salon or Spa’ and ‘Expanding with the Second Location, is your Salon Truly Ready?’. We’ll take a look back at some recent guests we had on the show as we approach our 50th episode and finally announce our newest Phorest competition. As always, we top off the show with our upcoming Phorest Academy Webinars.
Killian Vigna: This podcast is produced every Monday morning for your enjoyment with a cup of coffee on your day off. Now, let’s get into the show. Good morning, Zoe.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Good morning Killian, how are you?
Killian Vigna: I’m good now, I’m good. Our monthly random episode, but it’s more… almost like I kind of look back on the year, isn’t it?
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Oh it is, ’cause next week it’s our 50th episode, realistically.
Killian Vigna: Yeah, we’re coming up on the big five-oh, which is essentially a year.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Yeah.
Killian Vigna: It’s not to think that a year ago when we… now we’re in a studio, we’re sitting down, everything sounds really good, where before when we started, it was literally a case of, “Oh, we have an idea to do a podcast.” Neither of us even wanted to be on the show.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: You wanted it more than I did, come on.
Killian Vigna: We had the guys picked, we knew who we were gonna get on the show. We were gonna do all the backend and stuff like that and then our marketing manager turns around and goes, “Well, no actually, if the show’s gonna go ahead, you two are gonna do it.” And we were both so nervous doing the show and even just back when we were recording, we played the intro and outro off of a phone while recording because we didn’t really know what we were doing. We were reading three of your blogs a week…
The reason we’re saying this is, whether someone is trying to come up with a new product or you’re a salon who’s trying to create a new experience or new service, people get so bogged down making sure everything is perfect before bringing it to market, where with us, when we came up with this podcast, we knew what we wanted to do but we were told, “Just start it.” And we were nervous when we started, we didn’t really have an idea of what we were doing but we recorded the first episode, and we threw it out there. It’s come a long way because like I said, with a product and a service, get the basics down, release it. You’ll get feedback off your customers and then you’ll know, which direction to take that service, the experience or the product.
Your customers are essentially gonna build your brand. People are so worried about, “I need to build my brand and build my brand… “ You don’t know what your brand is unless you’re getting feedback from the people that are gonna pay you the money.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Yeah, I’d say, brand maybe is a little much, in terms of the product, people are gonna build the product. The brand, I mean, it has to do with your mission statement and such, I find personally. I don’t know, maybe you agree with me or not and that’s fine…
Killian Vigna: Everyone has their own opinions.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Yeah.
Killian Vigna: Do you get what I’m saying of…
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Definitely, when we release new features, say on even just Phorest Salon Software, the product, and we get feedback and we know what direction to take. That’s what I’m getting from what you were saying there. The product is gonna be built depending on what people are giving back in terms of feedback.
Now in terms of branding, for myself, personally, my opinion is just that you would have to have your idea and your core values and your ethos and stick to that, you know?
Killian Vigna: Okay, yeah I get what you mean there. What I mean more is, we could come up with all these cool new products and features and we could come up with this class format for the podcast that we think people are gonna love but if… I suppose if we’re not asking people if they’re enjoying this episode or that episode or if they’re actually going to use this new feature, then we’re just making it for ourselves and it would be like us just making a show because we’re creating content that we want to hear. But, we’re not making a show for us, we’re making a show for you guys.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Exactly, yeah.
Killian Vigna: We’re trying to create content you want to hear. That’s the whole development thing there, yeah.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: No, I get what you mean there, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Killian Vigna: Like we said, now people start approaching us and are going, “Actually, I want to hear more about HR in the salon, I want to hear more about law…” A big one, and we’re gonna talk about it today is leadership in the salon and stuff like that.
Before when we were reading off your blogs. Now we’re actually going, “Okay, we’ll get industry experts on the show to actually talk about these topics because they know more about it than us,” but you guys are actually looking for this content, so yeah, let’s do it. That’s how we ended up changing the format of the show and we’re constantly upgrading or changing the content or the format of the show as well.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Yeah, exactly. At the end of the day, all we really want is for you guys to get the most out of it and that’s why we ask you for feedback at every ending of an episode. Yes, so if anything, if you have suggestions of people to get on the show, if you would like to yourself be on the show, if you have an interesting story to share, we’re always welcoming new ideas and happy to make things happen on the podcast, so yeah.
Killian Vigna: Yeah, exactly and speaking of feedback, I think, I suppose our first topic came through feedback.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Yes, Chris Parker was telling me how he really admired the culture in Phorest and was curious to see or understand how Ronan, our CEO, made that happen and so he asked me, “Could you ask Ronan, if he had to run a salon or a spa, as of today, what would he do differently to the way the industry currently works?”
I was talking to him and I was like, “Listen. This is a really good idea, I might actually even all of our team leads,” because, for myself, I was like, well Ronan has an opinion, but then also every single team lead and every single department will have a different view on the industry because they’re seeing different things. They’re dealing with different parts of different businesses.
That’s what I did in the end and so I asked Ronan, I asked Melanie Icke at the head of training, I asked Connor Keppel at the head of marketing, I asked John Doran, development team manager and Patrick Monaghan, product director…
Killian Vigna: We essentially have five areas of the business covered right there.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Yeah, and they’re very different as well. Training, marketing, development… If you kind of go through the blog, the things that these team leads are mentioning, it just is very different. Ronan says he would tackle the lack of business training at beauty colleges because he says that most salon owners get trained incredibly as therapists or hairdressers but they get… they open their own place, their job completely changes and that’s where the business management kind of side of it… it’s just kind of lacking and he’s comparing it to the hotel management courses and he thinks if there would be something similar in the hair and beauty industry for people who are first starting out, the industry would probably see a massive transformation.
I could see that happening, to be honest.
Killian Vigna: We actually had a guest on the show talk about the exact same challenges as well. Didn’t we? Sam Pearce.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Exactly, yeah. That’s one view on things.
Melanie, she was saying… Melanie is the head of training at Phorest Salon Software, she has loads of industry experience and she was saying basically, she would train salon staff in more than just treatments and services. Reflect the client journey, ask… get it down to the DNA of the business, the values, to see everyone’s personality through the DISC, which we talked about on the podcast in… just a while back now already.
Killian Vigna: One of the biggest things internally in Phorest at the moment in many departments. Some departments even have a DISC chart on the wall with all of the team members on it. It’s very powerful and you can get a free version of it online. Highly recommend you go out and just give it a shot and just get a gist of what personalities everyone in the workplace is.
Zoe Belisle-Springer:Â Oh yeah, cause it just… you get to learn how to communicate better with each other, but also with clients. It’s really interesting. Then she had her take on staff meetings as well. John Doran, for himself in the development team, he obviously mentioned… he felt that I should mention that he was very distant from what would be involved in running the salon, but in terms of starting a business, if he had to do that, he has loads of experience in running teams, so he was saying that staff should value the same things, understand what your mission is and row in the same direction with the same decision-making processes. It was a lot about communication, having regular one-to-one’s, not sitting behind a computer trying to analyze everything that’s going on, actually being there to see and get a real pulse of your business and daily meetings, roundtables and things like that.
Obviously, we had Connor also speak about that – he had a lot to say actually. He had things to say on positioning. Positioning your salon in the industry, would you… how premium would you want to be, would you rather aim at a more price conscious part of the market? Do you want to be a high end salon? Talked about discounting, pricing. He talked about culture; setting a culture of learning in the salons, providing training, asking for feedback, things like that.
Then on marketing as well, he was saying get some marketing training as soon as possible. If you’re a smaller salon, use Facebook live and Instagram stories to bring people on your journey of entrepreneurship, no matter how old or new your salon is. People buy from people… and he goes on and it just totally make sense, you know?
Killian Vigna: Yeah.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: The last one that we had feedback from was Patrick, product director and we had him on the show before as well, announcing new features and things like that. For him, the most important thing was client retention. I guess, it connects with the Client ReConnect and things like that and it makes sense. It’s from his point of view from the back end of things from building the product and seeing how salon owners use our product on a daily basis.
It’s really interesting one. It’s well worth the read and it takes what, three, four minutes of your time?
Killian Vigna: Yeah, and you even have, under each of their sections nearly… you have links to blogs that they have done before. Connor goes… he’s has every reason why to stay away from discount culture, all great reasons. Then like you said, the Client ReConnect, it’s a feature in our product but it’s the whole attitude of why you should utilize your own clients as opposed to trying to reinvest so much money in trying to get new clients because I think it’s what Patty talks about, it’s something like 10 times… cost you 10 times more money to get new clients than it does to retain existing ones and stuff like those.
If you check out that blog, there’s loads more resources involved in it too. That brings us on then to, I suppose our last three podcasts so recapping 45, 46, 47.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Yeah.
Killian Vigna: Oh and 48, so the last four episodes.
Zoe Belisle-Springer:Â 45 was an interview with Valerie Delforge to chat about her new salon manage development series in collaboration with Phorest Academy. The first one took off and it had brilliant feedback from it. The first one was all about how to manage staff, it was really good. One of the feedback we got was, “I love the how to manage your salon staff webinar, it was good to review known info and to learn new ways to run my business. The comment that has stuck with me is, ‘make every decision a financial one,’ this is possibly the best advice ever. I’m looking forward to the next webinar.” And that was from Mary Gilmore who was tuning in on the day.
There’s six webinars on this series and its one a month. We had the first on last… well this month. The next one is on November sixth and we’ll talk more about that in the webinar section of the show. It’s all about managing staff and leadership and building… basically, she’s taking you on a journey.
Killian Vigna: Yeah, and like we said in that interview with Valerie, you can pop into one here and there but at the end of the day, treat it like a staircase. Treat each webinar as a stepping stone up to that top. If you can register for all of those and try to attend as many as you can because each one adds to the last.
Zoe Belisle-Springer:Â Yeah, it’s very, very cool the way she built that whole series. Then episode 46.
Killian Vigna: Yeah, so this is one where we were just talking about earlier that the likes of Conner and Ronan and Mel all talked about was training. Recruitment.
Zoe Belisle-Springer:Â Yeah.
Killian Vigna: Basically.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Yeah, exactly. Sam Pearce was on the show with us to share her views on the recruitment crisis that is currently happening in the hair and beauty industry. The causes for it, how it affects businesses and salon owners but also how it affects the people trying to get into the industry cause she was saying that most therapists graduating from colleges don’t actually ever make it into the industry in the end.
Killian Vigna: What Sam was talking about is, you have so many courses in the hairdressing industry and the beauty industry. You think, you can go in and learn… you can do a full beauty course in three months. It’s a crash course. But what you’re coming out there… you’re coming out with great physical skills, but you’re not hireable. You don’t have that personable approach. You can’t work with a team. You can’t work in a salon.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: You basically have the theory, but you never actually practiced. You don’t have the real life experience.
Killian Vigna: Exactly, you’ve never touched a client. Sounds a bit odd, but you’ve never actually put what you’ve learned into practice on a real person. You might be using a doll or you might be using one of those… the dummys that you use. She said, especially when you’re using cosmetics… there’s chemicals and stuff in that. You need to know how to apply that on real skin before you can go into a salon.
That’s what Sam Pearce is doing here, she set up the Greenhouse Training Academy. This is a brand new school and you’ll see on our website, she’s actually taken enrollment for it now. She has a rigged recruitment process because she wants to make sure the people she hires really want to do this, because if you really want to be in that industry, then you’re gonna have fun but if you’re someone who thinks they can go learn all these skills in three months to nine months, that’s just someone who thinks they could breeze by. It’s a tough industry, just like any job. It is hard. You have to have the passion for it. That’s what Sam is hooping to get with it or, that’s what Sam will get, we know, with the Greenhouse Training Academy, is real, passionate staff.
If you’re really serious about getting in that industry and you’re local, I would highly recommend getting involved in that. I’d like to see more of these training academies coming about as well.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Yeah.
Killian Vigna: Yeah sorry, go on.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Oh no, I was just think about even Paul Davey, who I interviewed for the blog a few months ago already, but he has the hair dressing live and it’s kind of like an online academy in that sense for hairdressers and I’m seeing it grow and it just puts a smile on my face. This is what needs to be happening.
Killian Vigna: Rainbow Rooms do it too. We talk about recruitment and we’re gonna talk about it a bit more in another blog coming up on this episode, but people find it really hard to recruit people who will also share their vision and like you were saying about building your brand, what’s your mission statement and what’s your vision and work on that to develop your brand.
If you could start bringing guys in and training them under your wing… because you’ve spent so long building this brilliant brand that you want to keep it going. You want to make sure your staff have that same feeling. You’re not just hiring staff who have the skills, you’re hiring staff who share that passion with you.
Zoe Belisle-Springer:Â Yeah, no absolutely and that’s… I suppose that’s kind of what I was talking about in episode 47. Episode 47 was a blog episode… mid-month blog episode in October and I went in depth through the kind of open letter to the industry from iSalon Coach Richard McCabe and he basically was saying there’s no shortcuts to building a successful salon and spa and he was explaining that loads of times when people get nervous that they wont be able to get enough staff to fulfill the client demand, they’ll just kind of hire whoever, just to get on top of everything that’s happening but then it doesn’t really reflect the culture in the salon.
There’s culture fit problem there and it comes down… it appears further the down the line and basically he was saying you need to hire for your culture fit you need to make sure that you’re not taking short cuts. It’s not an easy thing to run a business if you kind of just make moves in terms of like putting out fires, in the long run, it’s not gonna help you. Even if times are getting tough, take the time to really think about who you’re hiring, how you’re doing the training. People will understand and it will reflect in your team as well.
If you’re just hiring for the sake of hiring because you need someone now but they don’t fit in the team at all, or if you’re opening a second location and then, the first location is feeling kind of left behind… it’s all these things you need to think about.
I suppose it’s a way of just making you realise that you need to think long run and not just short term. It’s not about putting out fires, it’s about prepping for the future.
Killian Vigna: Yeah and that backs up a point hat Connor Keppel talks about in a blog there. He doesn’t recruit or hire because he needs a role now. He recruits for the long term. Like you were saying, our recruitment process could go from three to six months. You don’t necessarily need to hire that person but you’re looking out, you’re getting a feel for people and you’re expanding that over a couple of months so when you do eventually need to hire someone, you have I suppose a catalog of really good people that suit your company.
When you’re hiring someone, you’re not gonna tell them, “Oh yeah, we’re hiring for someone that’s gonna start in three months time.” You’re not gonna tell them that at the CV stage. You’re just telling them, “We’re gonna hire someone.” However long that takes, you get a good feel of guys that fit your culture and then when the time comes, you can always go back to them and go, “Yeah, no, we’re really interested, it’s been a long recruitment process, we’re ready to take you on now.”
Like Richard is saying, and like Connor is saying, don’t hire with an end date in mind or that you need to by a certain start date, start recruiting with the idea of, “I’m gonna keep these in my back pocket and when I’m ready, I have … I suppose the pick of the bunch or the cream of the crop,” whatever you call it. Whatever… saying-
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Expression, yeah.
Killian Vigna: Expression, that’s the one. It gives you time. It’s all about giving yourself time because… I suppose, do it in the quiet periods because, people panic when they start getting really busy and don’t… they’re like, “Oh I need to get staff and then to hire someone quick.” That’s your fire.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Exactly, that’s the putting out the fire and that’s the dangerous part of it.
Killian Vigna: That’s any industry. Any job role. It’s a management tactic.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, absolutely.
Killian Vigna: That essentially covers our next two blogs that there are no shortcuts, and expanding on a second location. Do you want to talk about the second… expanding with a second location?
Zoe Belisle-Springer:Â The second location, well really quickly. Gloria Murray, she is an accountant and director of Murray Associates and Accountants, she’s an award-winning accountant, she’s even won two extra awards in the last, about one week in a half, and the blog that she wrote in October was ‘Expanding with a Second Location, is Your Salon Truly Ready?’ She’s just basically put everything into a blog where she says, “Okay, loads of people come to me saying, ‘I’m ready to open a second location for my salon, for my spa. Gloria, what do you think shall I do it?'” And most of the time she says no because the five key questions to make sure that you’re actually ready, haven’t probably been asked or reflected on.
Is it the right time, in terms of time in the year but also time for your salon. Is your salon running like clockwork, is everything going totally fine or is there an area that you’re experiencing any sort of problems and you need fixing because opening a second location will make things worse.
Killian Vigna: Is it organised and efficient as it is… can you pick up that template and move it.
Zoe Belisle-Springer:Â Yeah, exactly. Then she also goes on to, “Do you know the important numbers in your business?” If your staff utilisation is only 50 percent, don’t think you’re gonna make more money by opening a second location. All things like that and do you have a plan, because it might take you up to six, nine months to find the dream business premise or building so while you’re looking and getting things prepared, make yourself a plan.
Then the fifth question is do you have a plan B, because unfortunately, plan A’s don’t always work and we know that. If you go back even to episode 48 when Jennie Lawson and her eco-innovative salon Mimosa Beauty. That was…
Killian Vigna: That was incredible.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Loads of preparation.
Killian Vigna: We went into that episode thinking, “Okay, yeah, eco-innovation, she’s gone green, this is gonna be great. How did she do it? What tips does she have for people?” And my god, persistence, persistence, this woman had to all over. The work…
Zoe Belisle-Springer: She’s passionate about it, there’s no doubt.
Killian Vigna: We even told her, she’s writing up an ebook about it and she’s gonna use this podcast because she was saying she was inspired by a TED Talk about I suppose, keeping the ocean clean and stuff like that because she is a scuba diver herself. We were telling her after that episode, that was her TED Talk right there.
First thing I went to do is… first thing I did is went down and sorted out my recycling bins at home. We now have a compost bin.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Well done.
Killian Vigna: It was mental, I did not expect to come out of that episode so inspired, I suppose.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: No, it was a really, really, really good episode and it just went to show that you can have all these ideas, but if you’re not planning them consequently, it’s kind of hard to manage. For herself, she was saying she didn’t even get a grant or a loan or anything.
Killian Vigna: We thought she had loads of support from the council and stuff like that.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Nothing.
Killian Vigna: Nothing.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Yeah, and then she was mentioning about even just the carpet, she was talking to her interior designer and she said, “I want this, the most eco, recycled carpet,” and the designer went, “eh … what?,” But you know it’s all of these little things. It could seem small and you can easily forget about these things but that’s why you need a concrete plan.
Especially like for instance, especially when you’re opening a location for the first time or you’re moving buildings cause in her case, that’s what happened. She had Mimosa Beauty for five and a half years and then she moved into a new building a completely eco-building and made salon eco-friendly and that’s the first one in the UK, so it’s a great accomplishment.
Killian Vigna: Yeah, so for anyone interested in that one, that was actually… that was a long episode but it was a really good episode and I think it was actually the first time in any podcast that we had, not an outtake, but a-
Zoe Belisle-Springer:Â B-Side.
Killian Vigna: B-Side, yeah, an extended version. When we signed off the show with Jenny, we were talking to her a little bit after and even just more information, it was just gold. We were like, “Jennie, we’re gonna have to put this in as an extended cut.”
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Yeah, exactly. It was worth it. I’ve actually seen it go around on Facebook so many times this week so clearly hit in the right spot, it’s doing what it has to do and hopefully, she can benefit from it and get more people concerned about keeping the oceans clean and stuff.
That brings us back to today’s episode. That’s kind of what we had going on in the last few weeks, but if we’re looking a little more into the future, January is our Salon Owners Summit and the tickets are very, very close to being sold out so… We had released 100 extra tickets about, I want to say, three, four weeks ago, now?
Killian Vigna: Yeah, so this year we have a really big lineup. We have Tabatha Coffey, from the Bravo TV show, Tabatha Takes Over. In a nutshell, what she does is she helps struggling business owners transform their lives. She’s gonna be our main key speaker at the 2018 Salon Owners Summit. Then we have Steve Martin, now Steve Martin is a name that’s been thrown around the office a lot. It’s not the comedian Steve Martin, even better, he is all about the science of persuasion and you can see just a 10-minute whiteboard animation on YouTube, that’s just gonna give you a little hint of what he’s gonna be talking about on the day. It’s brilliant, it’s all about using the likes of reciprocation, social authority, things like those to, I suppose, empower your clients or… empower is a very strong word but…
Zoe Belisle-Springer:Â Well essentially, like how the smallest changes can make the most significant difference in your business in the terms of influencing how people think.
Killian Vigna: Exactly, for anyone that’s never come across the power of persuasion before, that is going to be fantastic. Just like six principles, very small, very easy, but very impactful.
Then we have Gavin Hoare. Gavin Hoare is … he’s known as the master of all salon managers, he manages the ultimate super salon of 90 staff with 1,200 clients a week and 250 innovative hair and beauty treatments and services. You’re bound to learn a thing or two. When you’re managing a salon that big – that just sounds tiring – but, yeah, that’s gonna be amazing.
Then we have our very own guest contributor, Valerie Delforge and Valerie Delforge is gonna focus on motivating your staff, effective management and the most important, leadership. Yeah, it give us a shout out here at Phorest Salon Software and say give me those Salon Owners Summit Tickets. For 2018.
Zoe Belisle-Springer:Â Yeah, there’s very limited tickets left. You don’t want to miss that. Give us a shout, even if you just email marketing@phorest.com, we’ll redirect you to the right department for that.
Killian Vigna: Yeah, so I suppose what else to expect at it, not just the speakers but you got your Summit pre-party in Dublin on the seventh of January, then we got the day of the speakers but we also have workshops this year. We didn’t have the workshops last year.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Yeah, and that’s a first.
Killian Vigna: It’s gonna be way more engaging because it’s all… I love going to conferences and listening to speakers, but sometimes you just want to get what you’re learning and put it into practice and that’s when you come away with the real skills. Then we have the typical lunch, refreshments and lots of networking opportunities so you get to meet your peers, meet other salon owners and managers and mingle with each other and learn from each other most importantly.
Get a lovely goodie bag worth 70 pounds, so I hope I get one of those. Got the VIP after party then at one of Dublin’s most exclusive venues. No one knows what it is yet, only the PR guys so we’re still trying to crack them, they still won’t tell us. Then we have our Inside Phorest breakfast at Phorest HQ, which we had last year and actually was brilliant. We had-
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Oh yeah, it was a massive success.
Killian Vigna: Yeah, like we had our head of product Patty Monaghan there, who was doing a big talk on all of the latest features, why we’re doing certain features and the Phorest user voice as well, the importance of that. For anyone that wants to find out a little insight about Phorest, about the staff, the products, come along to that because that was a great day.
Most importantly, I forgot to mention, myself and Zoe are gonna have a little Phorest FM on the day as well, you might finally get to see the faces behind the voices.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Exactly. That or even just walk up to us and if you have anything interesting to share with us, we can get you on the podcast on that day cause we’re gonna be doing a live episode anyways so, yeah, very exciting.
Killian Vigna: Yep, so nervous but can’t wait. Have you got anything else to include in this episode or are we a wrap?
Zoe Belisle-Springer: I think it is kind of a wrap. The last thing I want to mention is the competition and the webinars coming up. This month’s competition, you’re in for a chance to win an industry magazine. Depending on obviously what kind of business you are or what sector you’re in, enter the contest, you get to choose what kind of a theme of a magazine you would like to receive, is it hair, is it beauty, is it spa, that kind of thing.
You get two of those then you enter your name, first name, last name, email, and then if your name is drawn at the end we’ll reply back and propose a few options and you can pick the one that you would like and that’s a one year subscription to that magazine for yourself.
The contest ends on November sixth, we will pick the winner in that same week. It is a limited entry giveaway so it is exclusive to the first 200 people who enter, we already have 65 entries – bound to keep going up anyways. Hop onto that. It’s on the Phorest blog, it’s on our Facebook page as well in one of the tabs. We’re looking forward to your entries.
Our next upcoming Phorest Academy Webinar is the second segment of the salon manager development series with Valerie Delforge, it is ‘Structure is Key’. It’s on November sixth and this time it’s not 3:00 PM, it’s actually 12:00 PM, so noon to 1:00 PM UK/Ireland time and that would be 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM US Eastern Time.
In this webinar, what we’ll talk about, actually what Valerie will talk about, is perfecting your businesses operational strategy, mastering time management for your business and your team and managing team expectations. The way you register for this, you go onto our Facebook page into the events section, you find the ‘Structure Is Key’ webinar and then if you go into ‘Ticket Information’ or ‘Find Tickets,’ you can click on that it will bring you to the registration page and you just fill in your details. You’ll get a unique login code coming through in your emails and you log in with that on the day of the webinar.
Killian Vigna: Nice one. That is episode 49 in a nutshell.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Yeah, so hopefully we’ll catch you back on episode 50 for our milestone; we have a really cool episode coming up. We wish you a wonderful week, and we’ll catch you next Monday.
Killian Vigna: All the best.
Thanks for reading!