Welcome to the Salon Owner’s Podcast, Phorest FM Episode 43. Co-hosted by Killian Vigna and Zoé Bélisle-Springer, this show is a mix of interviews with industry thought-leaders, roundups of our most recent salon owners marketing tips & tricks, all the latest in and around Phorest and what upcoming webinars you can join. Phorest FM is produced every Monday morning for your enjoyment with a cup of coffee on your day off.
Phorest FM Episode 43
It’s no news that the way we go about our day-to-day lives has incredibly changed in the last few decades. Today, almost everything we do is done online. What does this mean for businesses, and how can salons and spas benefit from this change? This week on Phorest FM, we chat to Alan Stewart, founder of Rainbow Room International about how being ‘open’ 24/7 on multiple platforms has positively impacted the growth of his business. The reality is, salons who offer an online booking feature to their customers make more money than those who don’t. Don’t take our word for it though, have a listen to Phorest FM episode 43 and find out for yourself!
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Killian Vigna: Welcome to the Phorest FM podcast, Episode 43. I’m Killian Vigna.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: And I’m Zoe Bélisle-Springer.
Killian Vigna: This week on the show, we interview Alan Stewart from Rainbow Room International as we focus on the importance of embracing technology and taking on opportunities as they come. Going into business isn’t always easy, but with the right mindset, anything is possible.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Of course as always, we top off the show with our upcoming Phorest Academy Webinars.
Killian Vigna: This podcast is produced every Monday morning for your enjoyment with a cup of coffee on your day off. Now, let’s get into the show.
Zoe Belisle-Springer:Â Good morning Killian.
Killian Vigna: Good morning Zoe.
Zoe Belisle-Springer:Â So last week’s episode was our mid-month blog episode.
Killian Vigna: Mid-September roundup, yeah?
Zoe Belisle-Springer:Â Yeah, so we were chatting about-
Killian Vigna: Mid-September roundup.
Zoe Belisle-Springer:Â Mid-September roundup.
Killian Vigna: Most popular ones of Mid-September so far.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Yeah, so basically we were chatting about ways to save money in key areas of your salon, perfect salon manners, and also five ways that a brand new salon or spa could look established. These were basically the most popular ones within the last two weeks.
Killian Vigna: We also announced the email marketing gameplan ebook, thank you very much.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: I’m sorry, I did miss that one! It’s on the website, if you go onto the Phorest blog, you can just type in email marketing ebook, and you’ll find it straight away.
Killian Vigna: And this week?
Zoe Belisle-Springer: We have our interview episode. So for our listeners in the UK and Scotland, you’re probably familiar with Rainbow Room International, a hugely successful chain of hair salons across Glasgow and the West of Scotland. Founded in 1979, Alan and Linda Stewart’s business has seen an exponential growth over the years, so much so that today they have over 10,000 clients who visit their multiple branches each month. Without further ado, we have Alan on the line to discuss the business’s story, values, mentality, and so much more. Welcome to Phorest FM Alan, thanks for joining us on the show today.
Killian Vigna: Welcome Alan.
Alan Stewart: You’re welcome.
Killian Vigna: So yeah, Alan, obviously quite a successful chain. What Zoe was saying there, she was only just skimming the surface, not even skimming it, so what better man to talk about the company than yourself? So, if you don’t mind just giving our listeners a little bit of background behind Rainbow Room International. Because yourself and Linda are actually husband and wife as well, aren’t you?
Alan Stewart: Yeah. We didn’t start off like that, I have to say. That was something, a benefit that came along when we opened the second salon. The first salon I opened in… I came back from London, and we opened in 1979, which your listeners have already heard. And there was only supposed to be one. I took a huge unit, two and a half thousands square feet, and I thought, if I’m going to do this I’m only going to do it once, so it’ll need to be big enough to keep me in the style that I wasn’t accustomed to, shall we say. And that’s really how it started.
It wasn’t an instant success, it was a recession at the time. I presumed that everybody would remember who I was when I left Glasgow, and would just come rushing back once I’d opened my salon. Doesn’t happen like that in real life. I opened the salon, and pretty much, it was hard work from day one, as it is with any salon. Nothing’s easy. And it took quite a while to start building up clients, and clients trusting you again. Because you’re obviously letting them down if you leave and go somewhere else. So they remember that, and they get comfortable going to somewhere else. Until something goes wrong with the something else, then they might give you another chance and come back to see you. That’s what happened.
But we worked really, really hard through the recession. Some people were successful and stayed with us, and some people weren’t successful, didn’t like what we were about. We were taking longer appointment times. Back then, we were trying to give people a much more service-orientated visit, which was way before its time. So you were trying to change the whole way of doing things. We were sitting down, talking to clients, back then, and some clients found it intrusive. Some clients thought it was great. But you just had to keep winning people slowly but surely over to the way I wanted to work, and I wanted to work with clients that appreciated what we were trying to do. We were trying to use psychology and get to know them, get to know their hair habits, and at the same time teach the new staff that this was the way it was going to go when most people were doing 15-minute appointments.
Killian Vigna: It’s a quick turnover essentially. And I find that amazing, because even though we’re talking about encouraging salon owners to be more about the service economy and the experience economy, you were already doing this nearly 40 years ago, and introducing the psychological styles. So was that something you picked up in London yourself and brought back to Scotland? Or is this something that you had just always felt necessary?
Alan Stewart: I saw bits and pieces of it in London, from different stylists that I worked with. I worked in Harrods as an art director, and there was one or two stylists there, who were also art directors, that were putting a lot more into the visit. And it appealed to me, rather than this churning them in, churning them out type of thing that we were used to. So it was something that had started, you were getting little pockets of it in London, it wasn’t happening everywhere. So it was something that we brought back, and I thought, right, we’ll try and look to see who’s doing the best of what, and bring it back to your hometown, as it were.
Killian Vigna: So you were always learning, always picking up the new skills, taking up bits and pieces here and there and just bringing it all back.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: How do you translate that when you have 12 branches now? How do you… Obviously, you’re just one person, you can’t be in every branch, so how do you translate that into your branch managers and their staff, basically?
Alan Stewart: Well, most of the people who have got a salon with us were first generation people. They’d come to us… I was doing shows up and down the country and I was doing shows abroad, and we’d basically, we had an open day, invited what I thought were all the best hairdressers. And I talked to them for half an hour and said, this is the direction we’re taking, if you want to come and join us there’s a space for you. If you don’t, that’s fine, we’ll still meet in the pub and we’ll still have a drink.
And there was quite a few people that had seen the [inaudible 00:08:19], and said, “This is something that we think we could be involved with.” And slowly but surely we attracted quite a lot of different people from different areas, Manchester, Newcastle, London. And people were bumping into you, as they do in the hairdressing and beauty world. You bump in, you meet new people, you talk. Some things are favourable to you and some things aren’t. And that’s how it began. So pretty much everybody who has a salon are people that started out originally with us, and just one by one after somebody got a salon…
Linda was the first one to ask for a salon, and as soon as we had a place became vacant quite close to us, we decided to open the second salon. And I think from there, everybody thought, if Linda can do it, we’ll do it. And the thing just had an organic, thing, since then. It wasn’t something that, I have to say, I had a burning ambition to do. As I said, I only really wanted one salon, I thought that would be big enough, I thought we could control it. And if we filled that, that was pretty much the dream at the time.
But when we opened the second one and that one started to work, we had already developed systems that probably were there in bigger companies. There was career systems, let’s say in Steiner’s and that kind of size of a company at that time. But there really wasn’t so much of that in a one-person salon. But we started to develop it, we thought we’ll need a system if we’ve got two salons, so we might as well create a system for growth, and allow people to move up the career ladder as and when they want to do so.
Killian Vigna: So did it take long for this to kick in? Because I know at this stage, you’d have had your single salon for a while, and then Linda came on board as the first of your branch, so the first person to open a second salon.
Alan Stewart: It was about five years. And in the first five years, we went through the almost bankrupt stage. That fateful call one day when the bank manager calls you over and says, “You’re not making enough money, and you’re spending more than your bringing in.”
Killian Vigna: And for some people that could-
Alan Stewart: Suddenly you realize, oh crap.
Killian Vigna: But you knew you were onto something at that stage, so for a lot of-
Alan Stewart: I think we still believed in what we were trying to do. The problem is with bank managers, as you probably know, that it’s all very well believing in what you’re doing, but they want to see the bottom line looking a bit black, as opposed to bright red.
Killian Vigna: So how did you manage to progress from there? Because that’s a scary call for any business owner, not just salon owners, and there’s quite a few people who do always experience that at some stage of their life. But for you to end up growing into 12 branches from there…
Zoe Belisle-Springer:Â And being a first choice for celebrities, even.
Killian Vigna: How did you manage to get yourself out of that? Because like you said, you can have a dream, you can have a vision, but the bank manager isn’t going to buy that.
Alan Stewart: I think one of the… When we analyzed what was happening… It’s nice to get asked to go to Australia, it’s nice for somebody to give you a cheque, and you think, “Oh, this is great, I’m doing all this. I’m flying about here, and I’m flying about there, but how come the salon’s not getting busier?”. And your people need you, that’s for sure. You’re the main leader, you’re the motivator. And I think at that point, you have to sit down and say, “Right, what is my function?”. I enjoy what I do, I’m really creative, but at the same time, you have to learn about business.
And I have to say, I probably didn’t know anything about business at all before I started. I had previously worked on the stock exchange, which gave me a little bit of insight into bookkeeping. And it was only when I started to really understand the numbers. And I just went everywhere that had education. We just went and became education junkies. And certainly by the time we had the second salon and Linda was with me, she became an education junkie as well, and we said, “Right, we want to know every number that is important in a hairdressing business.” And we started to study it and went everywhere to learn it.
Killian Vigna: But that’s a key trait to most successful business people. Not just business people, successful people in general, because as soon as you become content with who you are, and what you know, and what you’re doing, you’re going to get stuck in your rut, you’re going to be passed out. But with you and with Linda, you had that thirst for education, and that actually reflects right through to you, your management and your staff, because you actually have your own training academy as well now, don’t you? So it’s like, for you to progress, you have to keep learning.
Alan Stewart: We always did training with our own people. In the old system you did it at the night time, and sometimes if you had a quiet day you put in extra training, but it just got to the size where we needed to make a commitment. If we were going to grow at all, we needed to have a proper system. Luckily, I had one of my girls in the original salon that said, “If there was ever a space for me, I would really like… “.
She ran all the assistant training and took the work experience, and she was doing a great job at it. She selected from work experience the people who would be our new apprentices. And pretty much, she was left to her own devices. She now runs the whole academy here, and she’s done a fantastic job. So it was a case of if ever the opportunity came up. And I said, “Right, we’ve got seven thousand square feet, do you think you can handle it?”.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: That’s a massive challenge.
Alan Stewart: She said, “I’m up for it if you’ll give me the chance,” and she hasn’t looked back and we haven’t looked back. She does a great job. And she just lives, eats and breathes education.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: That’s fantastic.
Alan Stewart: And develops her tutors and her trainers, and it’s now a machine that just keeps going. But everybody has that, she was my assistant originally, and so the ethos is right through to… I reckon if you cut her open, education would come out her veins.
Killian Vigna: So you’ve mentioned three things there so far. You have opportunity, like that, you said that if you’ve got seven thousand square acres, would you do it? Yeah, take it. You’ve got education. And then you’ve got growth. So that just brings us into, in terms of growth, online bookings, which is the theme of this year. Because like we said, you’re a branch of 12 salons, and you see the importance of online bookings for growing your business. It’s like the whole Red Queen, you can keep running and running and running on the same spot, you’re not going to move anywhere, but you need to adapt, you need to be flexible in order to actually move forward. And you saw that opportunity for growth with online bookings.
Alan Stewart: I think at the time, computers were starting to creep into businesses. We had a lot of, if you call the first generation of computer people, at hair exhibitions. And we used to hand write everything. If somebody bought a coffee you would count the coffee, and there was never enough coffees paid for, until eventually, you go, this is breaking my heart, let’s just put the price up and give everybody a free coffee for God’s sake. Because counting it is becoming laborious, and it just gives you a headache when you know that most people haven’t paid for it. So you logically work these things out.
But when it was the first generation of computers, I kept asking people, I said, “Does this do online?”. “Oh yes, it does, ours does online.” So I would say, “Well, let me see it working.” And it wasn’t online, it was an email.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Not exactly the same thing isn’t it!
Killian Vigna: It’s a starting point.
Alan Stewart: And I would say to them, if I’m going to put a computer into my business, I want it to do what I want it to do. I don’t want it just to count stock, or count how many haircuts I’ve done, or whatever. I said, it’s got to be able to take clients. Because that was happening, people were booking online for things. And that was away back, just after 2000. But nobody could prove to us that they had an online system. So we thought, right, okay, it’s not out there, we’ll go and we’ll hire a company to make our system, and get a quote from a few companies.
And you learn the next lesson, that we’re in the hairdressing business and we’re not in the technology business, because we thought that it was going to cost something like £25,000, and 150,000-odd pounds later, you still haven’t got a system. Which was a bit scary at the time. But we did end up with an online booking system, and it did work. Most people were doing it from their desktops back then, and it went fully live… After the pilot session, we probably went fully live in 2006. With the whole system, across all of the salons.
So we were adamant that if we were going to put technology into the salons, it had to be able to deal with this. Because people were, you had EasyJet, you had the airlines who had really cultivated it and started it. Hotels had online booking. So to me, it was a no-brainer, you had to have this, but it just wasn’t available. So we did spend an awful lot of money, but that’s to learn the lesson that you learn.
Killian Vigna: And I suppose, the fact-
Alan Stewart: And we gave people an incentive to book online. We didn’t do it with the beauty because it was problematic having the two systems working next to each other back then, and we didn’t do it with the academy either because it was problematic. But we did introduce it. And slowly… I thought if we can get this to 30%, then it will free up my reception to be more like a hostess than just answering telephone calls. And when we got to 30% we had a huge celebration and thought we were doing brilliant.
And at that point, somebody turned around and says, “Your system can’t be supported anymore because it’s all dated.” And I went, oh my God, here we go again. But luckily by that time, my sister-in-law was involved in the technology business, and she started to look through all of the different systems that were out there, and Phorest was one of the ones that we thought were way ahead of everybody else. So we scrapped our own system because eventually it just ground to a halt, and it wasn’t supported by anything, which happens to technology. But at that point, we were heading towards 50%.
Killian Vigna: 50% of your bookings were taken online at that stage?
Alan Stewart: Yeah.
Killian Vigna: And that was, that came from you looking outside of the salon industry, so like you said, you were seeing airlines and stuff doing the booking. You’d never have seen this in salons, but you were thinking, why can’t we do it? So that came from you looking outside of your own industry?
Alan Stewart: That’s right, yeah.
Killian Vigna: That’s amazing.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: And so today, you see today there’s many hair salons out there that are still reluctant to take bookings online. One of the reasons is that they feel that it’s not right for their business, and that hair services are unbookable online. But you have a different approach, I was looking at it, and it says, if you go online you can book a colour from, say £50, but it might not actually be £50, it might be a little more. So how did you manage to make it work for you in that kind of sense?
Alan Stewart: I think again, you look back to where you’ve been. When I first went to London… Before I went to London, everybody did their own cuts and everybody did their own colours, that was normal practice. And that’s how you made more money, if you did more technical work, as well as had a lot of design cuts, then you made lots of commission if you were working for somebody. But the people who just did haircutting had to do more haircuts to make the same money.
So effectively when I went to London, it was the first time I had ever come across colour technicians. And I had a lovely colour technician that I worked with, a girl called Jane, and I used to say, “Jane, do you mind, I’ve got 20 minutes here, can I do my own colour?”. She said, “I’m overbooked Alan, you can do whatever you want.” So I eventually took my own assistant from Glasgow to London, and we started to do all our own colouring, which nobody had done before.
So essentially, what I understood about online booking is, you cannot have a client trying to get a colour with Samantha who does the colour, and she’s only got a space at 11:00, but John does the cut and he’s not free until 2:00. That’s just not going to work. It has to be, if you look at the airlines, you get a seat, and you’re either on that seat or you’re not on that seat.
Killian Vigna: That’s a good way of putting it.
Alan Stewart: To me, the old system was the perfect system. You have a 45-minute space and that’s what you’re doing. Now you might be in for three hours, but technically speaking you just have a 45-minute space. And we still work with our technical assistants. If we’re free to do the colour, we do the color. If we’re not free to do the colour, then our technical assistant who’s trained to do the job, qualified, they do the colour. So essentially we still work the way we did in 1979, it hasn’t changed anything. Yes, we spend more time talking to people if it’s a first-time visit, but that’s about the only thing that’s different. Everything else is the same.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: So essentially, when people come in, or book online first of all and then they come in, you basically have to amend every booking manually?
Killian Vigna: So it’s a consultation?
Alan Stewart: No, no, we don’t change any booking.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Okay, so you just-
Alan Stewart: We just work to 45 minutes. Every client gets a 45-minute space and that’s it, that’s what we do.
Killian Vigna: So Alan, have you ever found with the online bookings… I could come along and I could book an appointment with you, but because I’ve booked it online, I haven’t actually spoken to anyone on the phone, I might necessarily just dismiss the booking and just not turn up. Do you have a way of securing any bookings that come online to reduce no-shows or cancellations, or is that an issue you have?
Alan Stewart: Oh no, we charge them. If they don’t come in, we charge them.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Fair enough.
Killian Vigna: Yeah. So, you hold the card details or something? So, their card details are requested through the online booking, or is it a deposit, is that how you run it?
Alan Stewart: No, they have to put their card details in to book the space, and it comes up, “If you don’t show up we will charge you a cancellation fee,” and that’s what we do.
Killian Vigna: Dead right, straight to the point, and as long as you’ve terms and conditions to outline that.
Alan Stewart: I have to say, without that… The funny thing is, all of the data, because we crunch data all the time as you can imagine, and we’ve been doing it for years, you have less no-shows with online booking than you do with phone calls. The amount of no-shows with online booking is minimum, it’s not even 1%.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: That’s insane.
Killian Vigna: So it’s essentially a 99% booking rate with online bookings.
Alan Stewart: Yeah. I mean, genuinely, you do get… The client can change her booking, she could, things happen. Especially young mothers, their kids get ill, we’ve all had them so we all know that happens. Their kids can be ill first thing in the morning, and stuff just happens. But if the child, if it’s 12:00 at night and they phone before then, or… We can change their appointment up till 12:00 at night. If they think they’re not going to make it the next day, they can change it for another day. That’s allowable in the system. But once it passes 12:00 at night, then, unfortunately, they’re going to get charged for that. But if the client phones up and says, “Look, I’m terribly sorry, Johnny was ill, I had to take him to the doctor’s,” then no worries, we’re not going to charge people for that.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Yeah.
Killian Vigna: You just have to cover yourself.
Alan Stewart: All we’re doing is, the people that would abuse the system, we have a system in place that says no. Sometimes we get, and we know, again, because we crunch details, we’ve had clients booking three appointments in three different salons.
Zoe Belisle-Springer:Â So online bookings is clearly an approach that has worked for you. How do you promote the fact that you have it? Is it just through social media, or do you advertise it through your emails and SMS at all?
Alan Stewart: Well in the beginning, if we go back to 2006 as I say, when it was mostly desktop stuff, we created an incentive. We wanted people to book online, so we discounted their visit by £4.50 I think it was in these days. And we left the incentive there, and a lot of people, that was enough. You’re constantly telling your staff to do it. Hairdressers are hairdressers, at the end of the day some people do it better than others. But when you’re constantly showing your team the statistics of online booking: people are much more loyal, they book more regularly, and you can prove all that to your team that that’s what in actual fact happens, then you can adjust them.
But I have to say, like everything else with technology, it’s moved on a lot. And by the time we had the academy up and running with it, we didn’t have any incentives, because now it’s expected. And we don’t have an incentive for the beauty either. It’s only a legacy of, we’ve always done it in the hair salon so we’re… And I’m sure if we tried to take it away everybody would complain.
Killian Vigna: Well that’s always a good thing isn’t it? If you don’t know what to fix, break it first, and when someone complains you know it’s working.
Alan Stewart: We haven’t had to do it in… I think the beauty’s had it now for two years, and that’s probably at 34%, and the academy, which has only had it for about a year and a half, is at 32%.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: That’s absolutely brilliant.
Killian Vigna: Jesus.
Alan Stewart: These were figures that I would have been delighted with years ago. Now I’ve got salons that… It varies, the average across the board is 52%, across the group. But I’ve got some salons that are doing 67%.
Killian Vigna: Of online bookings?
Alan Stewart: Of online bookings.
Killian Vigna: So that’s clearing up a serious amount at your reception as well.
Alan Stewart: Oh it does. Reception’s now freed up to… Because there’s so much bureaucracy and everything else. You’ve got the hours, all of the new legislation that’s in place for staff hours, for staff working overtime. All of the things that were never there a decade ago, certainly not two decades ago, you now have got to dot the Is and stroke the Ts. And sometimes I wonder how small salons manage to do it all, because, we are, we’re not huge, but we’re a reasonably big operation, and we can afford to have staff doing all the bean counter stuff. But it’s a lot of bureaucracy involved in running a business.
Killian Vigna: So Alan, it’s been absolutely fantastic, I can’t believe you’re saying you’re getting your online bookings from 50 to 67%. You’ve obviously utilized the paradox of choice with your categories, so where some salon owners would have the fear that, “I’ve got hundreds of services, I can’t put them all online,” you’re actually categorizing them and doing consultations from there. But just for any salon owners who’ve yet to embrace innovation, technology and ways to move forward, like yourself the online bookings for growth, would you have any advice for them out there, in terms of moving forward?
Alan Stewart: Hairdressing and beauty is… Most people are really open about their businesses. I don’t think I’ve ever been refused from anyone. In London even, if I’ve wanted to go into a Tony and Guy salon or Vidal Sassoon’s, or any salons in London, I’ve just turned up, knocked at the door and said, “Hi, I’m Alan, I’m from Rainbow Room. You might know me, you might not, but I’d love to see how you run your salon.” Most people are really pleased to show you around their business. So for anybody that was a bit afraid of it, all I would say is, go and find somebody who is good at doing what you think you want to be doing, and speak to them.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: So essentially finding a mentor?
Killian Vigna: Yeah.
Alan Stewart: Yeah. And most people are really okay with it. You obviously phone them, and get half an hour of their time, or an hour of their time, but at the end of the day, if that’s what you want to do, if you want to do the creative stuff, don’t waste your time trying to reinvent the wheel. Just go and speak to somebody that’s creative, and say, “How do I do this?”. And I’m quite sure they’ll share their story with you. And it’s the same with technology, I think that if you go and ask people… I certainly wouldn’t be putting in the very first system.
I was quite lucky, I did have a sister-in-law who was one of the first people that started up with AOL in London and then was headhunted by a company called Digital Bridges, so we were a little bit fortunate that we had somebody who at least understood the language of technology. But at the end of the day, I’m not a technophobe by any manners, I know what I’m trying to get, and thinking back all these years ago, I wanted online booking. And on hindsight, maybe I didn’t choose the right company at the start, but at least we got online booking before anybody else did and we were ahead of the game, as it were.
Killian Vigna: It was a step forward.
Alan Stewart: But nowadays with kids growing up, they expect it. 10, 11, 12-year-olds are all running about with phones, maybe even younger than that.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Oh yeah.
Alan Stewart: And they all expect to find you online, and they all expect to book you online.
Killian Vigna: That’s absolutely brilliant Alan, and I love the way you just said, go knocking on doors. Because where some people might feel like you’re stepping on toes, it really is, if you don’t ask you don’t get. And you just have to look outside your industry sometimes as well for that inspiration. Alan, thanks a million for joining us on the show, it’s been absolutely brilliant, and some great insights to Rainbow Room International in general, even just the little love story in the middle, how you met Linda your wife.
Alan Stewart: That was a bonus.
Killian Vigna: That definitely was a bonus, yeah.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Well it was absolutely brilliant to hear all of that today, it’s so insightful, I couldn’t believe some of the numbers that you were mentioning earlier. Thanks so much for being on the show with us today.
Alan Stewart: You’re very welcome.
Killian Vigna: So just to wrap off our show as always, we have our webinars.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Yes, so we have one today, and it is the salon Instagram masterclass. We already have over 100 registrants for this one. So it’s from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM UK/Ireland Time, 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM US Eastern Time. And it’s an hour-long masterclass with Chris Brennan, our content manager who you probably know from the Facebook masterclass.
Killian Vigna: Yeah, and some Facebook lives and stuff like that.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Exactly, yeah.
Killian Vigna: And at the same time tomorrow, we have the second of our Salon Growth Series, ‘Your Highest Converting Strategy.’ And what that’s going to be about is, it’s going to show you how to put the right strategies in place for up to 22 times your marketing investment back. So get on board both of those webinars through Facebook.
Zoe Belisle-Springer:Â Yeah, so if you go onto our Facebook, you’ll find both the links, basically, for the webinars, and if you click on ‘get tickets’ or ‘find tickets’ it’ll drive you to a landing page. You just enter your details there and you’ll get a link to join in on the day.
Killian Vigna: So if you enjoyed that interview with Alan Stewart, who else do you want to hear? Why not give us some feedback, check us out on iTunes, give us a shout, and yeah.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: That’s it for us this week, but we hope you get a lot of insight from today’s interview, because we certainly did, and we’ll catch you next Monday.
Killian Vigna: All the best!
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