
Phorest FM Episode 108: Ryan Power On Using The Blurred Lines Between Personal & Business Personas As A Marketing Advantage

Just as the world wide web celebrates its 30th birthday, we, as users, are becoming more aware of online privacy. We’re also increasingly wary of the impact that social media can have on our professional lives. But the reality is, the lines between online personal and professional personas have never been so blurred, which is causing a lot of headaches in the entrepreneurial world. As a small business owner, can you use those blurred lines to your advantage?

To discuss the matter and some specific Facebook salon/spa marketing tactics, Killian and Zoe have a sit down with UK-based coach, speaker, author and co-founder of Salonology, Ryan Power.


Ryan Power

Ryan Power is a coach, speaker and author helping hair, beauty and aesthetic business owners to double their businesses; be that double the profits, double the clients or double the amount of time the owners can take off. He was recently a judge for the British Hairdressing Business Awards 2019. As a day spa owner himself alongside his wife Hollie, Ryan knows first hand how to fill diary columns.


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