When sales are not the strongest aspect of your personality, upselling products, services or treatments to clients can be quite challenging. In the long run, however, it does makes a huge impact on salon revenue. This is an area of concern that is frequently brought to our attention. You asked, and we listened.
Coming to you in an immediate future is our newest online bookings feature!
As most of you already know, Phorest has ‘User Voice’, a panel of discussion open for you to throw in software ideas, suggestions and such. To date, to most requested feature by far (approx. 321 salons and counting) is that we integrate a bar at the bottom of your Online Bookings page for service recommendations and auto-suggestions. We aimed to please and made it possible through online bookings!
New online bookings feature: what it is & how it works
Much like Amazon or such other e-commerce websites, the client will be offered other service recommendations. In this case, when your client goes to book online, an extra service will be automatically suggested.
Just like Client ReConnect, another great marketing tool you should start using if you don’t already, your salon’s data gets analysed in the background. Then, it updates the recommendations according to what your clients are booking on a regular basis (regardless of whether this is online or in the salon). Basically–> Phorest listens to what your clients love and then recommends similar services to them!
For example, let’s say loads of your customers tend to book a manicure and pedicure together. If another customer comes along and only books a manicure, Phorest will suggest booking a pedicure as well!
Recommendations are based on the booking behaviour of all your clients, so, even if you have a service some customers aren’t so familiar with, it won’t matter. If it’s something people tend to book with another service, it will be recommended!
Of course, the more data Phorest receives, the more accurate the feature becomes. Give it a little time. Here’s why:
Why a “recommendations” online bookings feature is such good news for your salon
Let’s have a quick look at how auto-suggestions have positively impacted the giant Amazon. With their recommendation bar, they have seen an increase of 10-15% in product upselling. Which is a lot of revenue!
Rest assured; we will be back with some official statistics based on salon’s experiences as soon as we can!
Moral of the story, if you’re not using Online Bookings, see why you’re missing out on a massive business opportunity. Second moral of the story, keep coming at us with ideas and suggestions. We’re good listeners! Just voice your thoughts right here! 😉
If you liked this article, then I would definitely recommend you download our brand new eBook focused completely on Client Retention:
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