
Refresh Your Salon Portfolio With A Creative Team Activity

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Refresh Your Salon Portfolio With A Creative Team Activity

It’s no secret that word of mouth is probably the oldest and the best form of marketing. In today’s reality, word of mouth often goes through work that has been done and photographed (ie before-and-after’s). Hence, the importance of having a regularly updated portfolio!

salon portfolio

While high-praised hair or MUA competitions are definitely one way of gathering pictures for a salon portfolio, it’s not always possible -nor is it the only way of doing it.

By now surely you’re wondering where I’m going with this… Easy: bring the fun within your walls, build your team spirit and get great pictures that showcase both your team’s fabulous work AND your salon by having your very own photo shoot! 😉

One fun thing about big commercial hair and MUA competitions is the opportunity to create out-of-the-ordinary/extravagant styles while having the challenge of being timed and under the spotlight. Here’s a cost-effective idea that can help team building while creating new material for you and your staff’s portfolios.

salon portfolio

Updating your salon portfolio with a team building activity?

Pick a night every staff member is available and host a fun night of creating new styles, testing new products and taking pictures of the results! If you own a hair & beauty salon, have them both work together. If on the contrary you own a hair salon or a beauty salon, why not team up with another salon for the night?

Finding a photographer

This may sound surprising, but you don’t need to hire a professional photographer. Reach out to local photography and graphic design schools. Many students are on the constant lookout for people to shoot for their own portfolio and assignments… why not capitalise on that and settle on some kind of exchange of services (you promote the student through your salon portfolio while he or she gets to keep the pictures for his own projects and school usage). 

Finding models

This one follows the same logic as for photographers. There are plenty of upcoming models out there looking to jumpstart their career and get more photos for their portfolio. Model Mayhem is a good place to look for models, that is if you don’t want to post an ad on Facebook in casting groups and such.

Retail promotion opportunity

Add a twist to the fun! Whether it be for testing new retail products you received or challenging your staff, this sort of creative night could be themed around products you wish to sell more that month; by using them throughout the night, you also get images and ideas of what can be done with them, making it easier to sell to clients!

salon portfolio

Embrace your art and show behind the scenes shots to your clients! Maybe broadcast the night on Snapchat or Facebook Live!


This team bonding activity can be an incredible opportunity for your Instagram & Facebook accounts. It also will help generate salon portfolio pictures to your staff, the models and the photographer… three-way win!

So how about this week you pick out an evening and make your your team is available? Then start building towards your very own Salon Portfolio Night! The results will definitely speak for themselves!

Did you know that this year’s Salon Owners Summit’s theme is all about team building and creating a culture of initiative in your salon? There are still some Early Bird tickets left, but hurry, they’re going fast!

Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from our Salon Owners Summit 2017 speakers Andy Bounds, Mary Portas and other experts like them!

Request a call back today for more info on prices, summit speakers and parties around the main event! For info on accommodation, speakers and the likes, keep an eye on:


This event is exclusive to Phorest Clients.

If you are looking to take your salon to the next level, then why not request a free demo of our software and join the list of esteemed guests for the Summit!

Thanks for reading,



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