Sales & Marketing / E-mail

4 Salon Email Marketing Tricks That Will Get Your Salon More Money

3 min

4 Salon Email Marketing Tricks That Will Get Your Salon More Money

Okay, let’s get down to business today. We need to get more clients booking appointments with you. And we need to do that NOW! 🙂

I’ve been doing a lot of research into salon email marketing these days. And I have discovered a couple of errors that reoccur time and time again in salon email campaigns. By simply fixing these tiny problems you will radically increase your chances of getting clients booking and rebooking with you through the the fine art of electronic mail.

Oh and read on to the end, as I have some fantastic news on an email update on your Phorest System that I think you are going to dig!

Salon Email Tricks & Hacks

>> Add Book Now Button

If you already feature book now buttons, then you are already ahead of the game. If not, then this is the first step you should take!

You send clients an email promoting a new product or treatment, right? Then you end it by asking them to contact you… My question is, why are you asking them to do all the work??

Instead of relying on clients to pick up their phone, punch in your number, be put on hold and then book an appointment, why don’t you just give them the option to book online.

And the best way to do this is to put a Book Now button underneath your offer.

Here’s the cool thing. You don’t even need to create a Book Now button! Just place one of these images into your email and hook your online booking link up to it.

Choose from one of these Book Now buttons here (Right click and Save Image As…)

salon-book-now salon-book-now-buttonbook-now-button book_now_button Book-Now-salon salon-book-appointment


>> Filter Clients Into Groups


Our clients that have the most success with their salon email marketing are the ones that filter client’s emails into relevant groups. It may take a little extra work at the start, but once it’s done, your salon emails will be set to target precisely the clients who will be the most interested in the product or service you are contacting them about.

If you’d like assistance setting up email filters, then please drop Louise from our Grow Team an email at and she’d be delighted to help!


>> Change the subject lines!


I’ve seen loads of salon emails coming into my Phorest email account that use the exact same subject line every single time. It is so important that you switch it up! If you don’t, then clients will simply ignore ALL of your emails after the first one.

Think of your email subject line as if you are greeting an acquaintance at a dinner party. Every time you see them, are you really going to begin by telling them the exact same anecdote? Of course not! Because if you did, you would start to notice that person casually avoid you at future events.

So switch up your salon email subject lines. Have fun with it. Be engaging and playful. Make a game out of trying to get clients to open the email up.

If you would like some ideas for salon email subject lines, then we have you covered right here: Creating Exquisite Salon Email Subject Lines

>> Have Different Types Of Email Templates


It’s not just the salon email subject lines that need to change. It’s also the layout of the email itself. It can be refreshing for clients to open up an email and see a new, engaging email layout.

That doesn’t mean you have to have a brand new one each time. Instead, have 4 templates that you simply rotate.

And I know what you are thinking… You don’t have time to design new salon email templates.

That is why we have developed a brand new feature for your Phorest System. From now on, we are going to be uploading pre designed email templates that you can modify and send to your clients with pure ease and convenience!

I’ve been trying to get this feature through for months now. So I am very excited about this.

And if you are not a Phorest client, now is the best time of all to book a Free Demo and see how we can help you manage your business and drive enthusiastic fans straight through your doors immediately!
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