
Do You Need A 'Sod It' Point?

2 min

Do You Need A 'Sod It' Point?

Are you a salon owner who needs to reach a frustrated, stressed out ‘Sod It’ point before you’ll learn a lesson?

Not sure?

Let me show you what I mean by giving you a lesson you could easily learn and apply and let’s see what you do with it!

Here’s the lesson …

It’s much, much easier to create a successful salon if you aim it at a ‘specialist’ niche or target market and the more ’specialist’ you can make your salon … the easier success becomes.

This is a lesson I’ve shared with salon owner after salon owner; face to face; in articles I’ve written; on my courses; in my books and yet very few of them act on it as soon as they could and they pay a high price for deciding to wait for their ‘Sod It’ point!

This was certainly true of a ‘generalist’ beauty salon owner who was locked in a typical just ‘getting by’ cycle for years before her landlord pushed her to her ‘Sod It’ point by increasing the rent … which made it impossible for her to make ends meet.

Knowing that change was the only option she finally took the ‘specialist’ lesson on board, moved premises and launched a waxing business which ‘specialised’ in offering amazing ‘intimate waxing’. After the move her costs dropped because she didn’t need the staff, the stock or the space to provide a simpler service and with her ‘specialist’ focus she found attracting new clients so much easier. 30 new clients a month are now finding her on Google because they are looking for EXACTLY what she does and the last time I checked her turnover was up by over 50%.

It was also true of another salon owner who found success as a ‘specialist’ in hair extensions by accident. She didn’t realise that being a specialist was the reason why her business was growing rapidly so she thought it would be great to diversify and become a ‘proper generalist salon’ that appealed to a wider range of people and offered a wide range of beauty and hair services.

What happened?

Her business stalled and she started struggling. It happened because her costs went through the roof and new clients became harder to attract.


Because her salon was no longer ‘specialist’ so it didn’t stand out from the crowd any more!

So there we are. I’ve just shared a lesson with you … and the Phorest Blog is packed chock full of powerful lessons like this … isn’t it.

These lessons give you a choice!

You can choose to wait for your stressed out, frustrated ‘Sod It’ point before you use them … or you can choose to say WOW that makes sense I’m going to do something with it right now.

Simon is now the UK’s foremost business coach for salon owners … you can get a FREE copy of his latest book ‘The Salon Owners Guide To Beating The Recession’

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