Did you know that nearly every single movement we do is sending subconscious messages to people around us.
It can be as large as crossing our arms or as subtle as a slight raise of the eyebrow. We have learned how to digest and understand the meaning behind these movements (many times we are not even aware of the fact that we have decoded the message).
So, considering all of these tiny messages we send each other, it makes us wonder what kind of signals we are sending to clients.
Well, that’s exactly the kind of salon advice we are going to be looking at today.
Some of these may sound obvious or maybe even too tiny to care about. But when you are back in work, just take a moment to watch how your staff are presenting themselves and greeting clients.
There might be some minor changes that you and the team can do that might give your clients a much better experience.
Salon Advice: Body Language
Let’s start with an easy, obvious and fixable one here. It’s pretty well known, but just in case you haven’t came across this yet, if a person crosses their arms, it generally taken as a defensive position. Whereas, arms by the side is more welcoming.
Large arm movement is a showing of comfortability and confidence, while smaller movements shows a quieter individual. So perhaps in a salon environment, a balance between both is advised.
Eye Contact
Eye contact is generally received as a welcoming manner. It shows a receptiveness to the client while also demonstrating respect.
But it is recommended that you don’t try to make eye contact too much. Studies have shown that an average of 60-70% eye contact during an encounter or a conversation is acceptable. Anything beyond this can give off a feeling of intensity.
A person can pass an incredible amount of messages through wordless signals of their lips. A smile is a warm welcome, while biting lips can signal anxiety. Parted lips can be a subconscious sign of flirtation. Meanwhile if a person is “sucking in” their lips (concealing the redness) it is informing someone that they are deep in thought.
Pretty specific, right?
It is generally known that standing up straight is a signal of confidence. In fact, having correct posture doesn’t only convey confidence, but it also makes the person themselves feel better!
Next time yourself or a member of staff is slouching, be sure to remember that this is a sign of uncomfortability and lack of confidence.
Body Angle
Here’s some more body language salon advice: Be sure to take note of how yourself or your team angle their body towards clients. If you are standing facing directly to the client, then that presents a feeling of interest and/or attraction.
If you angle your body away from a person, it basically tells them that you would like this encounter to end, as your body is suggesting an exit strategy.
This includes leaning in versus leaning away from the client as well.
And that about wraps it up for today. Some pretty cool ideas there, right? It’s amazing how much information we can giving client before we even open our mouths.
It can be hard to try and correct everything at once. So, how about we just tackle one at a time? The crossing of the arms and the eye contact ones are known as good starting points to presenting positive body language..
Thanks for reading.