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VIDEO: A 2 Minute Chin-wag About Salon Reviews in the Online World

2 min

VIDEO: A 2 Minute Chin-wag About Salon Reviews in the Online World


When it comes to people posting salon reviews online, you have to accept the reality that most of it isn’t controllable.

While that may seem like a scary thought, it is in fact a HUGE opportunity. Why? If clients know it is in their control, then they believe that it is much harder to fabricate. It is ‘fact’ not marketing in the traditional sense. It isn’t on a brochure or website, but a message from someone who has taken the time and spent the money in your salon already.

Also, think about the reach. If one person who was in your salon posts a photo on their Facebook page after a treatment or style, it is guaranteed to have huge reach.

For an example of the power of salon reviews, see the bottom of the post. If three of your clients take a photo and post it on Facebook, based on the national average of Facebook friends per user, 1,200 people will see those photos from someone they trust and like. It is highly, highly unlikely that even 25% of that number search for your salon on Google in a month.



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How Do I Harness the Power of Salon Reviews and Get Happy Clients Posting?

There is two ways you can try to build a process that gets lots of positive salon reviews.

1) You probably know a happy client when you see one. Particularly when it comes to hair. When they are paying up ask them if you can take a photo and share it online. Also text it to them and say ‘Hi Denise, here’s a photo of your hair. Feel free to share it online’.

This will work with some clients, but there are a couple of drawbacks:

  • You are depending on your team to ask clients every time. If the stylist/therapist and/or client are shy, this may never happen
  • The client may post the photo and say ‘Look at my new hair. Love it!’… but they may never mention your salon’s name, meaning it’s virtually useless in terms of driving referrals online
  • You can’t control negative salon reviews


2) We have a method in Phorest using our software that removes the cons. It works like so:

  • After every appointment, the client is sent an SMS and email asking them to rate the treatment out-of-five and to leave a comment
  • If they rate it 4/5 or 5/5, a camera pops up and the client can take a #salonselfie. If they share it on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest, they get extra loyalty points


As posted on Twitter…salon reviews emma henderson


Which links to…

#salonselfie emma henderson fluff and fripperies


This lady, for example, has almost 8,000 Twitter followers. That is HUGE exposure.

To get a free demo of our software and to learn more abut the feature, fill out the form below. Thanks for reading!


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