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Your Salon & Spa Survey: The Step-By-Step Guide

3 min

Your Salon & Spa Survey: The Step-By-Step Guide

Wanna find out what your clients really want but don’t know where to start? Well, a few weeks ago, we mentioned that putting together a salon or spa survey was one of the most effective ways to do that.

Thanks to technology, the days when you had to create a form on a Word document, print out multiple copies and have clients fill it in when they come for their appointment are long gone. Today, tools like Survey Monkey and Google Forms come in really handy.

The differences between A Survey Monkey & Google Forms Salon & Spa Survey

Survey Monkey

spa survey

From customer service surveys to employee or event planning surveys, Survey Monkey has templates to help you out. The great news is that you can use this service for free! All you have to do is create an account. After that, start with the template of your choice and edit the theme, questions, logo, survey title and anything else you need.

Design Survey Tab

  1. Builder: Choose the type of questions (multiple choice, dropdown, single textbox, contact information, Date & Time, etc.)
  2. Question Bank: Survey Monkey provides you with a bank of question to choose from depending on the type of template you chose.
  3. Themes: Choose what colors your survey will have (Let’s stick with your brand colours if we can! 😉 )
  4. Logic: Make questions come up in a random order if you wish.
  5. Options: Add a logo, a title, an exit link, a progress bar, pages titles, page numbers, question numbers or required asterisks.

When you hit next, you will get a web link for your survey and there’s a few other additional options you can choose from!

Analyze Results Tab

  1. Question Summaries: Where you can see all questions & all answers in summary.
  2. Individual Responses: If you wish to look into what customers have said individually, this is where you go!

Check out our little video, it’s self-explanatory and walks you through all the main tabs you need 🙂

So we recommend that when you are putting together your own salon or spa survey, you open up this video and follow each moment, step-by-step:

Create a form with Survey Monkey by going to and clicking Create Survey.

Google Forms

spa survey

Creating a salon & spa survey with Google Form is quick, simple and easy. You can create from your Google Drive, add any questions you want in the form template (or start from scratch) and you can fully customise it by adding headers and dividing your form into several pages.

spa survey

Create a form with Google Forms by going to and clicking New > More > Google Forms. For any more concerns, check out Google Apps Learning Center!

Sending your survey to clients

Your salon & spa survey is all written down and now you’re thinking about sending it to your clients. Before you do so, WAIT! Read your questions all over again. Make sure your questions are clear and focused. Also ensure that the overall design works. To be even more safe, send your survey to a few staff members first so they can have a look at it, make sure everything is in order.

Another benefit from having staff proof read your survey is that they will be fully aware of the questions you are asking. So going forward your staff can also try to get answers to your questions through clients that come in for appointments… “How are you liking our online booking system?” can easily slip in a casual stylist/therapist – customer chat.

Using your next marketing email is probably the simplest way to send your survey to your customers. Put your link at the bottom of your marketing email (I would suggest the email asking for a review) and maybe incentivise clients to answer the survey by rewarding completions with a few TreatCard points! 😉

Your Salon & Spa Survey results

Looking at your survey’s results is actually quite easy.

Survey Monkey: go to your form and click the tab “Analyze Results”.

Google Forms: go to your form and click the tab “Responses”.

I suggest you go in there, give it a try (it is way simpler to use than at first glance) and if you have any concerns or questions drop us a line in the comments or email us at: and we’d be delighted to assist!

Phorest Salon Software also has plenty of reports you can run to find out people’s buying behaviour, where they heard about you and more! For a free demo of the software, fill in the free demo form at the bottom of this post.

Thanks for reading!


Connor Keppel is Head of Marketing at Phorest 


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