Online & Social

Are You Handling Your Salon Testimonials Incorrectly?

3 min

Are You Handling Your Salon Testimonials Incorrectly?

Salon testimonials and reviews are an amazing way to attract brand new clients to your salon. This is a proven fact. But are you actually using your salon testimonials correctly?

While reviewing salon Facebook and Twitter pages, I noticed that many business pages are currently sharing some outstanding reviews from their clients.

Now, it’s fantastic that these businesses are getting that kind of response. As you know, a salon testimonial about how amazing your service is from a client is going to be much more effective than if you were simply saying that about yourself!

The problem is, at least as we see it, is that that many salon owners are sharing the review on their own business page instead of incentivising the salon’s client to share it with their own friends!

What’s the problem with that?

Well, it’s great that the people who follow your page can see the reviews. But that is only scratching the surface of what salon testimonials can do for your business.

Did you know that in the Review Function of the Phorest System, there is a tab that clients can choose that allows them to share their review with their friends?

This is a very important function, as the people who follow you on social media already know you exist, and may already think that your salon ROCKS.

But when a client shares their review to their own page, this is an opportunity for a fresh list of potential clients to see just how good you are.

The average person has between 300-400 Facebook Friends. And most of these Friends actually live in close proximity to the Facebooker!

So as you can see, there is a HUGE opportunity to use the salon testimonials and reviews that you are already receiving to build a brand new list of salon clients!

But How Can We Do This?

The main question is: How can we get your clients to share their salon testimonials on their own social pages?

Simply put→ You incentivise them!

If you are a member of the #PhorestFamily, then you can use your TreatCards as a way to incentivise clients to share their amazing experience with their friends.

When a client is sent a review request, you can offer them bonus TreatCard points for sharing their testimonial on their own Facebook & Twitter pages.

But by simply offering them something special for spreading the word, you increase the chances of your client’s friends finding out about your business.

If you do not have TreatCards, but want to find out if they are right for you, please enter your details here and Louise from our Grow Team will be in contact.

But what if you are not a member of the #PhorestFamily?

We must sort that out immediately! 😉

If you don’t have the Phorest System to guide clients to post amazing reviews about your business, it can be a bit trickier (but not impossible).

I’d recommend you put on a social media competition. You have clients post reviews about your salon on their own pages. Have them show your receptionist their review at the end of a treatment and then you can offer them something special.

It’s a bit more complicated. But it should help get a few more eyes on your salon testimonials, right?

Hope this helps guys!

If you enjoyed this article and would like to find out how you can Create & Promote Unparalleled Salon Client Testimonials, simply Click Here.

Oh and if this is the kind of marketing that you would like your business to be doing on a regular basis, why not request a demo of our software and we’ll show you how simple it is to use on the Phorest System. Simply drop some details in the box below and we’ll take it from there.

Thanks for reading!



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