Editor’s update: like and share competitions are now against
Facebook’s terms and conditions. More here and thanks for reading!
Competitions are one of the best ways to generate more likes on your Facebook page. They are the best way to guarantee that people actually like your page and don’t just visit it on occasion. Run a few competitions a year,watch word of mouth spread and see your likes grow as people eagerly await your next one.
Not convinced? Well here’s what happened when Aishling launched hers …
Aishling from Aishling’s Hair & Beauty Salon in Wexford has seen her likes double since her Facebook training at Phorest. One of the reasons for this jump was the like and share Facebook competition that she ran. In order for a client to enter they had to do two quick steps. Firstly they had to like Aishling’s page and secondly share the competition picture on their wall. The picture contained all details of the Facebook competition so once it was shared onto their wall , all their friends instantly saw what a great competition Aishling’s salon was running. Aishling used a Dermalogica hamper worth €120 as her prize. This prize was very effective as it was clearly worth a lot of money and also it was a prize that would be considered attractive by a large number of people. If Aishling had for example using a more specific treatment like say a HD brow treatment it wouldn’t have appealed to as many people as the professional skin-care brand. The Dermalogica hamper appealed to women of all ages making Aishlings Facebook competition very enticing.
Remember the success of your Facebook competition is dependent on the amount of excitement created by your prize offering. People aren’t going to take the effort to share the photo and of course like your page if you don’t give them good reason to.
For more information on how to run a successful Facebook competition and get the most out of your Facebook, book into one of our Facebook tutorials today. Contact jessica.lalor@phorest.com for more information.
Jessica Lalor is a Marketing expert at Phorest. She is currently completing her masters in Marketing at the UCD Smurfit School of Business. Her speciality is in Online and SMS marketing. If you would like to contact her please email jessica.lalor@phorest.com