Over the past couple of weeks, we have been conducting a study of salon Facebook pages to see if we can identify some of the biggest opportunities that just are not being captialised on.
After the past couple of weeks, we are happy to say that we have found some truly interesting results (you can get even more game-changing info from our Facebook eBook, specifically designed for Salon Owners).
One of the biggest areas that can be immediately improved upon is actually the salon Facebook posts themselves. Most notably the kind of content that is posted.
The most common salon Facebook posts we’ve found are:
>> Client Reviews
>> Pictures Of Nails, Hair, etc.
>> Staff Birthday and Job Promotions
>> Special Offers & Deals
>> Salon News & Updates
>> Funny Salon Related Graphics
Now as salon Facebook posts go, these are actually pretty fantastic things to share with your audience. However, the thing of note that we have discovered is that many salons only share 1 or 2 of these posts. It may sound a bit funny, but this can actually be quite problematic.
You see, if a salon only shares special deal posts after special deal posts, then their audience will get bored of seeing the exact same content again & again & again. Not to mention it turns you page into a mini daily deals site.
Basically, it is crucial to a salon’s Facebook success to mix up the content.
The same goes for pictures of new hair styles & fresh manicures. Now, let me be clear: the pictures I’ve seen are spectacular and truly are an amazing thing to share with you clients.
What I’m saying is that the impact of these fantastic photos is actually lost when you put 11 of them next to each other. You want your work to stand out, right? Well, the best way to do that is to mix your salon Facebook posts up a bit. Post about other things hair and beauty related in between those client photos.
If you do, I guarantee that your audience will respond better to your posts. The same thing goes for the salons that only post special deals. If you post nothing but special deals on your Facebook page, then they cease to be special, right? 🙂
But How Can You Fix Your Salon Facebook Posts?
It’s actually quite an easy fix! You simply mix the content you share with your clients.
Some of the most successful salons actually put together a daily plan of what to post up. Each day they have a specific piece of content that they share with their audience.
So we went ahead and made you a template salon Facebook posts calendar that might help you programme the content you share to your audience (Right-Click and Save Image and DON’T FORGET TO PRINT!!!!!). 🙂
If this seems a bit stressful, did you know that you can actually schedule your posts to go out in advance? So at the beginning of the week, you can schedule your Special Deals, Expert Tips, Appointmentment Booking Ads & Funny Graphics in advance. And then your salon client reviews, before and after photos and staff birthday posts can be done manually as usual.
And there it is! You now can mix your social content up a bit more, so that your clients will be more interested (and engaged) with your page!
Hope this helps.
Thanks for reading!