Social Media

The Real Secret To Getting Facebook To Work in Your Salon

2 min

The Real Secret To Getting Facebook To Work in Your Salon

With Facebook we tried literally everything. We went to all the seminars and did all our homework. We were sending out all kinds of hints and tips…making it more about the customer than us, pictures, questions…you name it we did it!

Then the odd time, and I mean the occasional time we would post a special offer and get very little response. It was really frustrating … our likes were static and so were our offers and yet we were pouring everything into Facebook and using every magical formula going.

But then we stumbled upon something that worked – completely by accident!

We decided to do a competition. And that changed everything….

Take for instance our latest competition. We analysed our data using the Phorest system and realised our facials were doing poorly. Now, we also wanted to improve our Google ranking and the best way to do that is to get people to visit your website…so…

We launched a competition that gave the prize of one free microdermabrasion facial to the first person to comment with the answer to how many packages we had on our website? Also the next ten runners up would get 50% off Geleration nails or a Microdermabrasion facial. We posted it with a video of Microdermabrasion.

This meant they:

  1. Had to visit our website –increasing our Google ranking
  2. Had to count our packages- which meant they became aware of their existence and may have had a small nosey
  3. Got educated on what the Facial was and therefore we raised awareness of one of our treatments
  4. They interacted on our Facebook page by having to comment to win…making us appear to a wider audience through their newsfeeds!

The result: Not only have we booked in all the facials and had some very happy winners…but we’ve got loads more likes. The word is spreading that we do competitions and friends of runners-up are liking us in the hope that they too will win an upcoming competition.

Sue Carter is the owner of Image Salon in Ipswich Suffolk which has been going for 11 years. She has been using Phorest Salon Software for two years. The Phorest Blog is going to be following Sue’s salon business over the next 6 months.

Why not request a demo of our salon software today? We can help you get more clients, back more often spending more!


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