Sales & Marketing

How to Run a Special Offer While You’re Tucked Up in Bed

2 min

How to Run a Special Offer While You’re Tucked Up in Bed

You might find that you have the best intentions when it comes to running a special offer. But the thing is getting around to it! Well our New Online Booking System allows you to set up a special offer at the touch of a couple of buttons and then you can simply text and Facebook it out to your clients.

The reason this works so well…is you don’t need anyone to man the phone. So if you have to set it up at 8pm at night. That’s OK,  It will take care of itself and your clients will be able to book their slots in their own time.

Below I’ve outlined how you can do this step-by-step:
1) Decide on the Special offer. Make sure you pick a service that is quite popular if you are trying to fill white space. there is no point offering people treatments they don’t want. With the current economic climate it’s a good idea to focus on maintenance treatments and stress busters- as these are things people need. People can’t justify false eyelashes to themselves as easily as their monthly wax.

2) Once you’ve decided on a service enter it’s Online Booking tab in the service itself

3) Once in this section, go to the special offer section and where it says discount- apply the discount of your choice. It’s advisable to select an amount as opposed to a percentage as people will value this more.

4) Once you have saved these changes, go back into the service and back into the online booking section to get a link that will bring you directly to the service, simply press where it says “link” in this section.

5) You will be brought to the service and there will be a link at the top of the page. You can use this to direct people either through SMS (use to shorten it) or facebook- you can simply copy and paste the link.

6) Sharing on Facebook- paste link into status back. One it uploads and you can see the “couture aromatic facial” displaying you can delete the initial link and type in information about the special offer:



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